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I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

she gets cereal and 1/2 fruit (although yesterday and today was a whole) for breakfast

Lunch: whole veggie or fruit...whichever is the newest introduction followed by a bottle a little later

dinner is cereal followed by a bottle later on.

Posted 6/4/06 6:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

Honestly, it really depends on the child. You are doing great! Formula or BM (just a general comment) should be the primary source of nutrition for the first 12 months anyhow. Some kids eat a lot and still maintain a good consumption of "milk" and others need to eat less.

Posted 6/4/06 6:21 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

Our ped said give her as much solids as we want-
We are supposed to give her cereal and fruit for breakfast, veggie for lunch, and cereal and fruit for dinner.

and of course bottles too.

I have a whole instruction sheet from my ped- I will scan it for you if you want.

Posted 6/4/06 9:35 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

Posted by sunny

Our ped said give her as much solids as we want-
We are supposed to give her cereal and fruit for breakfast, veggie for lunch, and cereal and fruit for dinner.

and of course bottles too.

I have a whole instruction sheet from my ped- I will scan it for you if you want.

that'd be interesting to see another drs perspective. Our nurse told us we can do whatever we want too and the sheet we got just gave us what ages to try new things (meats, 6 mths etc.) but nothing besides that.

how much formula should she be taking at 5 months?

Posted 6/4/06 9:44 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

I kind of think that the bottles are most important and to give the baby whatever solids he/she will take. If they don't want a lot, okay, and if they seem to want it like crazy then it's okay to give it. I think she will tell you if she's not having enough.

Posted 6/4/06 9:47 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

Posted by sunny

Our ped said give her as much solids as we want-
We are supposed to give her cereal and fruit for breakfast, veggie for lunch, and cereal and fruit for dinner.

and of course bottles too.

I have a whole instruction sheet from my ped- I will scan it for you if you want.

My doctor gave me one as well.

Posted 6/4/06 9:56 PM

Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05

2636 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

Carlie is slowing taking solids. She is still mostly taking her bottle.

Posted 6/4/06 9:56 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

We've always just fed her whatever she wants. She's not a big eater so I guess I never really thought about it. Sounds like what you are doing is fine. You just want to make sure she is still drinking enough formula because that is her source of nutrition, not the solids. Solids are only to get them used to taste and texture not to provide nutrients.

Posted 6/4/06 10:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

241 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

My son is 5 months and is EBF. My ped said we should not start him on food until 6 months b/c of the increased possibility of food allergies if solids are introduced too early.

Posted 6/4/06 10:25 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: I am SO sorry to post this YET 5 much solids should I be feeding?

Posted by btrflygrl

Posted by sunny

Our ped said give her as much solids as we want-
We are supposed to give her cereal and fruit for breakfast, veggie for lunch, and cereal and fruit for dinner.

and of course bottles too.

I have a whole instruction sheet from my ped- I will scan it for you if you want.

that'd be interesting to see another drs perspective. Our nurse told us we can do whatever we want too and the sheet we got just gave us what ages to try new things (meats, 6 mths etc.) but nothing besides that.

how much formula should she be taking at 5 months?

I will scan it for you tonight.

I am not sure how much formula at 5 months, but at her 6 month visit the ped asked if she was drinking 32 oz a day (and she is about).
The sheet also says solids will cut the formula intake down a lot.

Posted 6/5/06 8:31 AM

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