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My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

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is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

I Can't Wait!!!!!!!!!

She has been on a waiting list for about 8 months now. Its FINALLY happening tomorrow (friday) night.
I am so antsy!
This guy is suppsed to be REALLY good. It is like $200 for 30 minutes! (or $150, i forget)

I'm so excited.

I wonder what he is gpoing to say about me?!?!

I think the main reason why she is going though is b/c her mom is very very sick and we dont know how much longer she will be with us.....

But for the past few months my poor sister has had ALOT of bad stuff happen to her in the house. (Ghost whise or what haev you)
It has gotten worse by the day. Something happens to her at least once a week now, when it used to be only once in a while.
(when i lived there it was only once in a blue moon to me)

It has SERIOUSLY gotten to the point of like Amutyville Horror house!
I cant even believe my family still lives there! id be OUT! if i were them.

Ok, enough chatter, im so excited-yet worried- about what he is going to say about ME

Message edited 11/11/2005 9:56:38 PM.

Posted 11/10/05 10:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

my aunt who lives in florida went to a psychic and said he was really good. he told her all this stuff about my wedding that she had just attended! i think i would be a little freaked out to go to a psychic

Posted 11/10/05 10:45 AM

My Big Boy!

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

I love going to psychics. Have gone to so many over the years. Some have been really good and some were a waste.

edited to add: this one sounds really good if they have a waiting list for that long!! let us know how it is!

Message edited 11/10/2005 10:48:28 AM.

Posted 11/10/05 10:47 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

yeah, he sounds legit. i will def let you know what happens!

Posted 11/10/05 10:56 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

I've been to a psychic and a medium/psychic - I love going to them! I'm booking another appointment with the psychic I saw about 5 years ago. He was that good!

Posted 11/10/05 10:58 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

That stuff scares the shizz out of me. There are just some things Id rather not know. I went to a $5 psychic once, and she told me the love I had with my DH (boyfriend at the time) wasnt a real love! That scared me and he was mad I went in the first place but it was $5, how much could they actually tell you!?!?!

However in your moms case, since weird things are happening in the house, I understand and would definitely go for that.

Posted 11/10/05 11:01 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

The hair on the back of my neck is standing straight up. Your poor sister. I would pack my bags and be gone. What kind of things happen to your sister if you don't mind me asking.

Posted 11/10/05 11:10 AM

just the girls

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

I went to one in the hilton on 110 a fair and the woman I got Joy holy moly she was dead on RIGHT with everything!!!!!!!!!! it was freaky but I loved it!!!! some of the things she said I was like ok not gonna happen and sure enough they did- all good thank goodness. and these were things out of my control so cool!!!!!

Posted 11/10/05 11:14 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

so she went tonight

she really liked him. i want to book an appointment now!

he said he sees me and dh divorcing next year!Chat Icon Chat Icon im not even going to think about it.

i was concerned about two main things; my sick grandma and my poor sister.

my grnadma is really bad he says and she will pass most likely in spring. he says she doesnt have the will anymore, but is hanging on b/c she is scared of what will happen to her son (my uncle) [where he will go, etc]

as for my little sister. he 'confirmed' it is whaty we thought it is. he said they are unrested souls. the creepy part is that they are CHILDREN and want to pal ywith her. this is why htey touch her and stuff.
(ands i totally believe it cuz my little brother sometimes sees this little boy about his age, my brother refers to him as "teh devil")

Posted 11/11/05 9:53 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tomorrow

Posted by Irishbride
What kind of things happen to your sister if you don't mind me asking.

what doesnt she experience more like!
well, they touch her, she sees shadows, figures, hears whispering, the tapping on her bedroom wall (which happened to me to when i lived there), she hears footsteps, um.... what else, ...... the other day she was in the shower and heard someone scream next to her. then 2 seconds later she heard it again but right behind her.

its really sad. i feel for her.
unfortunatly, theres not much to do about it. she has a "gift" (other psychics have also told my mom this WAYYYY before anything started happening to her)

Posted 11/11/05 9:56 PM

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

My friends went to a Psychic after their wedding and he was exact on eveything. I wanted to go to him but never had the opportunity. I would love to go.

For your sister:

unfortunatly, theres not much to do about it. she has a "gift"

she should use her gift for good. If these souls are unrested souls she can help them and not be afraid. My MIL's friend I call her angel lady has that gift and she uses it for good. A women I met for the first time at my MIL"s when she was leaving looked at me and my mom and told us something about my great grandmother that only the 2 of us would ever know. It really meant a lot to us that we heard such good news about my great grandmother who had passed away.

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Posted 11/11/05 10:11 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

I've said this before, but some people can sense spirits and some cannot. Hence why some people believe and others don't.

I personally can sense things as well as my sister and my grandma. I've seen and heard things in my house growing up and in the house we own now....and I haven't been afraid. I don't want the spirit etc to sense my fear. I just tell them to go away already Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/05 10:29 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

Posted by HarleyGirlFLA

she should use her gift for good. If these souls are unrested souls she can help them and not be afraid.

she is too young to understand yet.

Posted 11/12/05 12:03 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

you should contact that show TAPS (they are on the sci-fi channel) and have them come to the house to capture any edvience of the hauntings. they also have this guy that can do a blessing on the house.

Posted 11/14/05 1:10 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

may I ask the name of the person she went to?

Posted 11/14/05 1:15 PM

hello baby Albert

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Re: My Mom Is Going To A Psychic Tonight!!!!!!!! (update at bottom)*

Posted by marksmama

you should contact that show TAPS (they are on the sci-fi channel) and have them come to the house to capture any edvience of the hauntings. they also have this guy that can do a blessing on the house.

I love that show Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/05 1:42 PM

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