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What do you think of this workout?

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Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

3303 total posts


What do you think of this workout?

I'm really clueless when it comes to working out..but so far my routine has been:

3/4 days a week...
30-40 min on the machines
20-30 min on the treadmill...

on the treadmill i cant go fast..i get dizzy and a hedache-but i try to go as fast as i can....

tia Chat Icon

Posted 3/20/06 5:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

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Re: What do you think of this workout?

By machines, you mean weights, right?

As far as the treadmill goes, if you get dizzy, maybe you can alterate your workouts - like one day, concentrate on speed but another day, up the incline and go at a slightly slower pace. You'll get a good workout by increasing the incline.

Posted 3/20/06 6:36 PM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

3303 total posts


Re: What do you think of this workout?

Posted by Snozberry

By machines, you mean weights, right?

As far as the treadmill goes, if you get dizzy, maybe you can alterate your workouts - like one day, concentrate on speed but another day, up the incline and go at a slightly slower pace. You'll get a good workout by increasing the incline.

Yes, weights-and also the ab machines too-

Thanks for the treadmill solution!

Posted 3/20/06 7:09 PM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

5150 total posts


Re: What do you think of this workout?

It's really effective if you do interval training for 20 minutes on the treadmill - start off at a low intensity (like what you would consider a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10) for two minutes, then increase every minute for four minutes like this:

Minutes 1-2 - Level 5
Minute 3 - Level 6
Minute 4 - Level 7
Minute 5 - Level 8
Minute 6 - Level 9

Then go back down to your level 6 and work your way up again until you get to your 18th minute and then run all out at what you would consider to be your level 10 for a minute. Then go back down to L5 for the last minute.

This is what the Body for Life plan recommends - and I can attest that it really works. They tell you to alternate your cardio 3x a week and weight training 3x per week

ETA: You don't ever want to get dizzy or feel faint!!!! If you do you should definitely stop - it will do more harm than good if you don't.

Message edited 3/21/2006 1:16:31 PM.

Posted 3/21/06 1:15 PM

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