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Catholic School Teachers - question

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Member since 7/05

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Catholic School Teachers - question

Who is actually in charge of the school? I've been told that the principal has the final say on everything regarding the school (ie expulsion) but that doesn't sound right to me.

Is there a priest? Board? Diocese? that they answer to?


Posted 10/13/06 12:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Catholic School Teachers - question

If it's an elementary school it is usually the principal that has the last say.

Most pastors usually give the principal pretty much free reign to do as she (usually) see's fit. Everyone I ever knew who was "asked to leave" was told by the principal who made the decision.

I do know of one recent instance in my former elem. school where a nun had to be asked to "retire" after an incident with several students (she was about 158,258,789 years old anyway and I'm pretty sure taught Jesus himselfChat Icon ) but the parents demanded to speak to the pastor about it.

If it's a regional school and affiliated with other parishes there is probably one principal in charge of all campuses. In that case the pastors probably have little say. I never heard of a case where the Diocese of Rockville Centre has ever gotten involved in the case of a student.


Posted 10/13/06 7:06 AM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Catholic School Teachers - question

If you are talking about elementary schools, many elementary schools are parish schools, but some are regional schools, where several parishes join together to operate one school.

From my experience, usually the principal has the authority to discipline students and has the final say when it comes to things like expulsions. If it is a parish school, the pastor could get involved, but I don't think they usually do. My sister's kids go to a regional school, and they do have a school board, but I think the function of the board is more to represent the parents from the different parishes and their concerns. I don't think the board has the authority to override a principal's decision.

I worked in Catholic HS and there it varies, depending on the school. There are very few parish high schools left. One school I worked in was a parish school and the principal had final say on everything. Other schools I worked in were run by religious orders and they operated differently, they had a principal, a president and a dean. The principal and the dean worked together on discipline issues, the president was more of a fundraiser/alumni relations type figure.

Probably more info that you were looking for. Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/06 10:26 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/06

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Re: Catholic School Teachers - question

Honestly I think it depends on the school and the pastor running the parish. Where I work, the school used to be its own separate entity, principal dealt with the school, pastor dealt with the church. But there is a new pastor now that is much more involved in the school and is involved in a lot of the decision making. If you have any questions, feel free to FM!

Posted 10/13/06 4:03 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Catholic School Teachers - question

I went to a Catholic school my whole life. The principle always had the last say.....

Posted 10/13/06 4:17 PM

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