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DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

She was just overtired...not hungy. So my question is - can I use this bottle for her next feeding? It wasn't frozen - just refrigerated. Do I leave it out or put back in fridge. It also has 1/4 formula in it.

This stuff is like gold I don't want to waste it.

Posted 10/16/05 11:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

I was the same way, especially when I was pumping in the hospital because my milk hadn't really came in yet and I was getting practically nothing. I'd literally be upset if even a drop spilled!

You can keep breast milk out in room temp for about 1 hour without it spoiling. However, if the baby nursed some from the bottle but didn't finish it, you can't save it anymore because it can possibly have germs from her mouth that can contaminate the milk. If you re-fridge it and then re-heat it those germs can multiply.

I was very frustrated with this at first but I'm getting used to it - knowing that I can always just pump some more.

Posted 10/16/05 12:17 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

The medela guide says breastmilk is good at room temp. for 4-10 hours. Kind of a broad range. I would say if you leave it out at room temp and don't reheat it again it would probably be OK in a little while its the reheating that might make me wonder. Sorry this wasn't a very good answer.

Posted 10/16/05 12:21 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

I don't understand that whole medela 4-10 hrs thing. I have 2 different breastfeeding books, as well as books like what to expect the first year who have chapters on breast feeding, and all the other ones all say 1-2 hours. Plus my mom is a LLL leader and she said the 1-2 hours is more like it.

But still ,if baby drank any of it from a bottle, you can't use it. That's a "non-negotiable" as my boss would say.

Posted 10/16/05 12:24 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

Posted by Melbernai

I don't understand that whole medela 4-10 hrs thing. I have 2 different breastfeeding books, as well as books like what to expect the first year who have chapters on breast feeding, and all the other ones all say 1-2 hours. Plus my mom is a LLL leader and she said the 1-2 hours is more like it.

But still ,if baby drank any of it from a bottle, you can't use it. That's a "non-negotiable" as my boss would say.

I agree about the drinking from it. I have never gone 10 hours. I go 3 the most because I'll bring a bottle of BM only up to bed with us to give to her in the middle of the night so I don't have to go downstairs to make a bottle. 10 hours is just scarey to me, esp. if you have no idea what the temp. is.
As much as I hate throwing away any of the BM I get once she drinks from the bottle its down the drain.

Posted 10/16/05 12:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: DH just warmed a bottle of BM but baby wouldn't take it....

I chucked it...she didn't drink from it but played with nipple in her mouth.She has enough tummy troubles so better safe than sorry. What a waste though. That's 15 minutes of pumping down the drain Chat Icon

Posted 10/16/05 1:58 PM

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