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Sleeping Issues

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Sleeping Issues

My DS is 8 weeks old and refuses to nap during the day. Everytime we try to put him down, he starts to cry. Even if he does nod off, he's awake within 10 minutes. By the end of the day he is so cranky and exhausted because he hasn't slept.
I'm starting to get really concerned about it. He doesn't sleep very long at night either.
Any suggestions?

Posted 7/8/06 7:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Sleeping Issues

Have you tried a swing?

Posted 7/8/06 9:46 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Sleeping Issues

This happens for a few hours during the day with Ava. We either put her in the swing or in her carseat and rock her. I just let her sleep in the carseat if she falls asleep in there. I've even gone as far as to strap her into the car seat and swing it back and forth. She passes right out.
Or, if that doesn't work, what about an infant carrier or a sling? I know it still sux carrying the baby around the whole day, but at least you can get stuff done.

Posted 7/8/06 9:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: Sleeping Issues

I have tried the big swing, a small swing, a bouncy seat, taking him for a walk and the sling. I feel like we have exhausted every possibility. We'll keep trying though. Thanks for the advice! Well, the good news is he finally fell asleep at 8 and has been sleeping for 2 hours! Pray that he stays asleep and has a better day tomorrow.
How many naps does ypur baby take a day and for how long?

Posted 7/8/06 10:06 PM


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Re: Sleeping Issues

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At that age Ry took a couple naps a day.. 1 long one after his morning bottle (3-4 hours), a 20-30 minute one around 1-2 pm, and that was usually it. He went to bed at 9:30. His pattern has changed since then, he is 5 months now.

Posted 7/8/06 10:08 PM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Sleeping Issues

Posted by jrbaby

I have tried the big swing, a small swing, a bouncy seat, taking him for a walk and the sling. I feel like we have exhausted every possibility. We'll keep trying though. Thanks for the advice! Well, the good news is he finally fell asleep at 8 and has been sleeping for 2 hours! Pray that he stays asleep and has a better day tomorrow.
How many naps does ypur baby take a day and for how long?

Alexander is 7 weeks old and he takes about 2 naps a day (for about 2 hours long each). Then he is wide awake between 6:00pm-11:00pm. He goes to sleep at 11:00pm and gets up around 1:30am, goes back to sleep, then wakes up around 3:30am, goes back to sleep, wakes up around 6:30am, then he is wide awake after that.

Posted 7/8/06 10:58 PM

Happy Days!

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Re: Sleeping Issues

My baby never napped at that age, to be fair, he still doesn't nap now. But my feeling is, if he sleeps at night...then I don't worry about it!

Posted 7/9/06 5:13 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: Sleeping Issues

How long is he sleeping at night?

Posted 7/9/06 9:00 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Sleeping Issues

DD isn't big on sleeping, rarely naps even at 16 weeks.... If she does nap it's usually no longer than maybe 10 - 20 minutes and we occasionally get 4 - 6 hours thrugh the evening... I carry her in the sling A LOT and she is VERY happy there Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 9:39 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Sleeping Issues

Mine does not nap easily either. He is 5 weeks today. Eventually when he gets bored of being up he starts crying and we let him cry himself to sleep which usually takes about 15-20 mins of him crying. Sometimes he takes cat naps and sometimes he'll take a 2 hour nap. That's the longest he'll go, depending on how tired he is of course. At nigh he is not that bad. He gets up once. He got up at 2 this morning and had a bottle. Then he went to sleep without a fight. I could not believe it...LOL

He always puts up a fight to sleep though. It's like he has to have his crying tantrum, but hey if it gets him to sleep that's all I care about. When he's awake boy he can stay awake too.

Posted 7/9/06 9:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: Sleeping Issues

How long is he sleeping at night?

He normally sleeps about 7-8 hours at night (in two shifts). Last night he slept from 8 - 7 this morning (waking up twice to feed), which is not normal, but we are so happy! I hope all the sleep makes him happier today as he is being baptized.

Posted 7/9/06 9:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1204 total posts


Re: Sleeping Issues

It makes me feel better that others are having the same issues. I was starting to feel like a terrible mother becuase he was so tired but could not fall asleep.

Posted 7/9/06 9:51 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Sleeping Issues

Posted by jrbaby

How long is he sleeping at night?

He normally sleeps about 7-8 hours at night (in two shifts). Last night he slept from 8 - 7 this morning (waking up twice to feed), which is not normal, but we are so happy! I hope all the sleep makes him happier today as he is being baptized.

I think that's fine. Whatever works for you.

Posted 7/9/06 9:55 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Sleeping Issues

Brendan was the same way at that age and every time I did get him to fall asleep he would wake up within minutes of being put down. at around 2.5-3 months he started getting better though. now he usually takes one good nap about 1.5 hours after he first wakes up in the morning and usually 2 more short naps during the day. there are still lots of times though when he wakes right up after i put him down in his crib. Chat Icon so frustrating because i know if i had kept holding him he would have continued sleeping.

Posted 7/9/06 9:16 PM

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