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Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

Emily started back up at the babysitters this week since I'm back at work and she was refusing her finger foods there. I even sent a TON of her favorites, lots of choices, and she wouldn't take any of it. So the babysitter tried a baby food jar (that's what she ate when she was there before the summer) and she said Emily loved it and ate the whole thing.

So today I sent more baby food and she ate full jars for both breakfast and lunch.

I'm baffled. 2 months ago she refused babyfood. I also sorta feel like it's going in the wrong direction, but do want her to eat SOMETHING.

How would yo ufeel about this?

Posted 9/1/06 9:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

maybe her teeth are bothering her and it's easier to eat the baby food?

Posted 9/1/06 9:32 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

that's what I am thinking -- because she is also giving us a hard time with her bottles.

she did manage to eat an ENTIRE (yes, entire) avacado tonight. She just kept smooshing it into her mouth --- of course it is mushy --- so probably doesn't hurt much and she's always loved them -- I was just amazed though because she hasn't been eating a lot lately -- since the coxsackie really --- and has totally lost weight but she was shoveling the avacado in so I let her have it.

Posted 9/1/06 9:37 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

sometimes i think eating and chewing is alot of work for a baby, they get lazy!

Posted 9/1/06 9:39 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

When Kevin is getting sick or his teeth are bothering him (I saw your post about how she got one) - he reverts back to baby food, applesauce, yogurt. It usually only lasts a few days to a week. I don't mind - I feel bad for him.

Yesterday he didn't want any breakfast or lunch so I asked him if he wanted baby food and he went right to the baby food cabinet and pointed. I still keep a few jars on hand for days like this and he is 19 months. He typically is a very good table food eater. I don't mind I rather him eat something...

Posted 9/1/06 9:44 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

In the end food is food and as long as she's eating something it's better than nothing. At some point she will no longer want baby food so I don't think it's worth worrying about.

Posted 9/1/06 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

I still have baby food jars in the house because Andrew ate them for the longest time, even while on table food. There is nothing wrong if she wants to eat it, its a good source of nutrition and you know she is eating it. Don't worry at all about regressing.

Posted 9/1/06 10:04 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

We go back and forth all the time. For me it's a big deal not to make any kind of issues about food because I feel like I have so many myself so I feed her whatever she wants as much as she wants or as little as she wants. Finger food, table food, baby food whatever. I still stock up on baby food because it's seems to be what we fall back on when she doesn't want anything else. I don't think it's any less nutritious than table food, if anything it is more pure thansome of the processed table food she may get so I just go with it.
I wouldn't worry about it. She's eating and there is no rule that says that have to stop eating pureed food at a certain point so I wouldn't worry.

Posted 9/1/06 10:27 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Moms whose babies were on a food strike...

I would agree, feed her whatever she wants. The important thing is that she eats. I wouldn't worry about introducing food issues yet. She is probably sensitive to the change of doing to the babysitters, so give her some time!!

Remember, the only constant with babies is change!!!

Posted 9/2/06 3:45 AM

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