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How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

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I love my little man!!!!

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How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

Ok. my DS will be 4 months next week. His next ped. appointment is not until July 29 (it was originally July 22 but the office cancelled). At his last appointment, his ped. said she would talk to me about introducing cereal. So, my concern is that he will be well over 4 1/2 months when we see his ped.

Is this ok?

Posted 7/7/06 10:23 PM
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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

You are fine.........It isn't necessary to introduce cereal so early especially if you are breastfeeding. There are some women here that have given their child cereal b4 the recommended 4 mos and there are also some who have waited till 6 mos (it's a matter or preference as well as if your child is ready). I gve DD cereal as soon as she turned 4 mos and she was definitely ready.

Posted 7/7/06 10:26 PM

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

You dont have to introduce it yet- Some dont until their baby is 6 months old...some introduce it a littler earlier...

If your baby isnt starving for it... than I def. would worry about starting it late...

Posted 7/7/06 10:28 PM

I love my little man!!!!

Member since 7/05

1809 total posts


Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

You guys always make me feel better!!

Posted 7/7/06 10:29 PM

My Everything

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

You are totally fine. A lot of babies don't start any solids until 6 months.

Posted 7/7/06 10:31 PM

I'm getting old

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

Yup, mine didnt start any solids until 6 months. Heck, Im lucky now if I can get my 17 month old to eatChat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 10:52 PM

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

The guidelines we go by in the UK is that a baby should be weaned from BM at 6 months.

Posted 7/8/06 4:57 AM

Making big changes

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

Perfectly fine! The only reason we started at 4 months is because Christopher was a HUNGRY boy and was drinking way too much formula.

Posted 7/8/06 7:29 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

i didint start cereal till he was almost 6 months... you are totally fine Chat Icon

Posted 7/8/06 8:44 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

Anywhere from 4 to 6 months is fineChat Icon

Posted 7/8/06 9:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

4-6 is what most peds say, but I read you are fine until 8 months (to start learning how to chew)

Posted 7/8/06 5:03 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/06

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

Posted by racheeeee

The guidelines we go by in the UK is that a baby should be weaned from BM at 6 months.

You mean partially weaned by introducing solids, right?

I started somewhere b/t 5 and 6m for both kids.

Posted 7/8/06 8:12 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: How important is it to introduce cereal by 4 months?

My sister isn't starting until 6 months and some people wait that long for allergy reasons os it's perfectly okay.

Posted 7/8/06 8:28 PM

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