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Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

DH and I live in a very nice residential neighborhood. Well a house was recently sold over here and a ton of work was done on it. Turns out it is a group home. I was a little upset and really felt that the neighbors should have been notified about this. What really bugs me are the shady people living there that seem to be hanging out on the corners here on our block and no one is watching them. I mean really SHADY looking kids about 17 or 18. I feel like I am being watched. I just don't think its fair that we were not given notice. Some of these kids are in there for a reason and its not because they were angels!!! Would you be upset about this??

Posted 8/2/05 12:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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life is good

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

I'd be upset - and I'd certainly worry about its effect on my property value!

Posted 8/2/05 12:06 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Posted by Mrs-Boop

DH and I live in a very nice residential neighborhood. Well a house was recently sold over here and a ton of work was done on it. Turns out it is a group home. I was a little upset and really felt that the neighbors should have been notified about this. What really bugs me are the shady people living there that seem to be hanging out on the corners here on our block and no one is watching them. I mean really SHADY looking kids about 17 or 18. I feel like I am being watched. I just don't think its fair that we were not given notice. Some of these kids are in there for a reason and its not because they were angels!!! Would you be upset about this??

I am pretty sure that privacy issues prevent them from "informing" the neighbors. But i could be wrong...
I can't would bother me a little. I guess i would try to get over it quick because there is nothing i can do about it and it would only cause my more stress. There is one around the block from my dads and there has never been any issues and it did NOT bring down the value of his house

ETA...Do you know what they are in there for, there are several diffrent types of group homes ? I wouldn't label then sooo quickly. There are plenty of group homes that angels live in. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are SHADY.

Message edited 8/2/2005 12:13:40 PM.

Posted 8/2/05 12:10 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Luckily we rent this house, so i don't care about the property, but there was this one imparticular creepy guy that was creeping around the house across the street, just pacing back and forth, staring at me while I got in my car. I just get freaked out easily!!

Posted 8/2/05 12:13 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Posted by Mrs-Boop

Luckily we rent this house, so i don't care about the property, but there was this one imparticular creepy guy that was creeping around the house across the street, just pacing back and forth, staring at me while I got in my car. I just get freaked out easily!!

i can understand the uncomfortablility with it. It would freak me out a little if i wasn't so involved in the population

Posted 8/2/05 12:14 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Posted by Redhead

Posted by Mrs-Boop

Luckily we rent this house, so i don't care about the property, but there was this one imparticular creepy guy that was creeping around the house across the street, just pacing back and forth, staring at me while I got in my car. I just get freaked out easily!!

i can understand the uncomfortablility with it. It would freak me out a little if i wasn't so involved in the population

Yeah, I guess If I worked with the older ones i'd be ok, but I work with sp ed preschoolers, BIG difference, they can't hurt me!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/05 12:17 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

I feel so safe in my neighborhood, except on one block. It is a teenage group home, I hate walking by it at night, luckily it is 8 blocks away, but I hate the fact that it is there.

Posted 8/2/05 12:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

It would depend on what it was. If it was for young adults with developmental disabilities, for example, it wouldn't bother me. However, if it was for juvenile delinquents, it would.

Posted 8/2/05 12:40 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Funny you should mention this, we just got a letter in out mailbox about a town meeting to discuss that they are putting in group home around the block from us.

My neighbors are not pleased. I'm not overjoyed about it, but it doesn't really bother me either. I guess we'll see how it goes.

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Posted 8/2/05 12:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

I guess it would depend on what type of group home. I directly worked with the mr/dd and have been in quite a few of those group homes. Depends- some of the behavioral houses- no thanks.Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/05 1:21 PM

My Everything

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

I guess it would depend on what the group home was for. It it was for troubled kids with any kind of violent or criminal past I would be upset. If it was for developmentally disabled or handicapped not so much.

Posted 8/2/05 2:12 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

it depends.....

there is a group home near me for vietnam era veterans. it looks like a normal house and i didnt even know what it was until a neighbor mentioned it to me.

Posted 8/2/05 3:13 PM

Love my Kiddos!

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

What are the zoning laws by you? Wouldn't a group home be considered a business? I would think it is part of a non-profit organization that would make it a business. If they're not zoned for that, I'd report it.

Posted 8/2/05 3:45 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Posted by SeptemberBride03

What are the zoning laws by you? Wouldn't a group home be considered a business? I would think it is part of a non-profit organization that would make it a business. If they're not zoned for that, I'd report it.

most likely they covered that...I really wouldn't bother
ETA...a lot of private and state facilities have a hard time getting homes to house these various types of people....They know the laws

Message edited 8/2/2005 3:47:45 PM.

Posted 8/2/05 3:46 PM

baby boy coming spring '11

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

If it was for troubled teens, MAYBE a little. For physically handicapped or mentally challenged, absolutely not. Everybody has to live somewhere. Even troubled teens. I don't see why you would have to be notified, unless they were sexual predators.

Posted 8/2/05 4:32 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

They opened a home for DD adults in my parents area years ago. My mom asked me to go to an informational meeting for them since they would be away on vacation. I have to say I was shocked at what some of the neighbors were saying, very ignorant and prejudiced statements. I understand the concern about home values, but many of the most obnoxious people were the ones I would see at church every Sunday, hmmmmm.

Anyway, they did open the house and there is nothing remarkable about it - it looks like any other house on the block and I rarely have seen people hanging around outside of it. The only sign that it is a group home is that there is a 15 person van in the driveway. I know no one wants these on their block, but they are needed somewhere......

Posted 8/2/05 4:45 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Posted by dpli

They opened a home for DD adults in my parents area years ago. My mom asked me to go to an informational meeting for them since they would be away on vacation. I have to say I was shocked at what some of the neighbors were saying, very ignorant and prejudiced statements. I understand the concern about home values, but many of the most obnoxious people were the ones I would see at church every Sunday, hmmmmm.

Ignorance is truly sad

Posted 8/2/05 5:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

I wouldnt mind unless I noticed less safety..

Posted 8/2/05 5:56 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Would you be upset if a group home opened up houses away from you??

Posted by dm24angel

I wouldnt mind unless I noticed less safety..

Me either- we had a group home around the corner from us when I was growing up. The kids were nice for the most part, they were more troubled than violent. That's what would bother me, if it was something for kids who'd committed violent crimes. Otherwise, I would deal with it.

Group home or not in your area, you have to be so careful of your kids these days. You can't really be sure of anyone, IMO.

Posted 8/2/05 6:14 PM

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