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Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

188 total posts


Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

So, I'm not the head teacher in my classroom, but I act like it because the other teacher doesn't do anything. All she wants to do is take the kids outside and gossip with the other teachers. I do the lesson plans, the bullentin boards, I plan, set out and help the children with activities and projects. I spent my own money (which I cannot afford to do) on things for the classroom because we need them. I restock the books, and write letters and memos to the parents. I talk to our director about issues in our classroom and she sends me to call parents whenever their is a problem. I'm even planning our graduation ceremony and luncheon by myself.

I never had a problem doing these things before because I'm a perfectionist at times and would rather do things myself. Also, the other teacher is a foreigner, English is her second language and she can be a little slow. But she has a B.A in Early childhood education and I just have a high school Diploma. I'm finishing my C.D.A and I have a few credits towards my education degree.

I'm not saying I better than her, but even she said she couldn't get through the day without me and I'd make a better head teacher than her. Recently, the parents got together and told my boss what a great job I was doing in the classroom and what a difference they saw in their child. My boss spoke to the Board and got me a raise (hardly), but a it made me feel good.

Anyway, yesterday the state came and said our classroom looked a bit cluttered. The other teacher in my classroom, got upset and started throwing everything on the floor today and cleaning like mad. I didn't help her. She decided to do this at nap time and woke up all our kids. I was ****** 'cause she woke them up and then went to talk about me to all the other teachers because I didn't help her.

Well, the way I look at it, with all the stuff I do in that classroom the least she could do was clean. But what really makes me angry is that she didn't even say anything to me. She just came in and started throwing things around. Normally, we get along great, but she has no idea what goes on in that classroom. She ask me what to do. She's a bit of a neat freak and I'm not. I don't care that there is construction paper piled up on the counter because I usually need it and use it later.Many times she has thrown important things away because that's how she cleans. I'll cut and stack things up for projects or after projects and once a week she'll come through and just throw everything away. Most times, things I need.

She complains the kids are out of control and that the toys are never in the right places, but when I come in in the morning she's sitting there drinking coffee and reading the newspaper while the kids are doing whatever they want. She completely ignores the lesson plan which has a list of things and toys the kids should play with in the morning. Most days when I'm trying to get control over the class, she'll say just like them be that's what being 3 is all about. Then she gets mad and blames me when someone complains that our class is too loud or wild. Yet, she'll turn the volume on the stereo all the way up at 8 in the morning. And she'll only play Latin music. I have nothing against it, in fact I like it a lot. I've learned a lot of Spanish from working with her and SO have the children. We are referred to as the bi-lingual or spanglish class. The parents are really impressed that we sent their 3 year olds home and they answer questions in Spanish. But if it's not Latin or if it requires the least bit of work she isn't interested and leaves it for me to do.

After all that, she still gets paid more than twice as much a I do. I go above and beyond for those kids and I don't get appreciated for it. My boss knows all this, but she can't do anything about it. She already tried and the board only gave me 50 cents more an hour. Just goes to show the power of a degree.

Posted 5/16/06 6:53 PM
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Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

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I totally here you, I was there once too. Just think, when you do get your degree they will probably give you her job if you end up staying there. Sounds like your kids parents totally love and appreciate you and you make their kids days perfect and leave them with no worries. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 7:21 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

Chat Icon I hope this is encouragement to pursue your degree so that you can be in charge. Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 7:40 PM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

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Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

Posted by nov04libride

Chat Icon I hope this is encouragement to pursue your degree so that you can be in charge. Chat Icon

Ditto! Don't let this get to you - even when you have your degree, there will always be people above you who should have pursued another line of work. I hope you are motivated to get your degree! As an adult student myself, I know it's hard, but you can do it!

Posted 5/16/06 7:48 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

188 total posts


Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

Posted by MsG

Posted by nov04libride

Chat Icon I hope this is encouragement to pursue your degree so that you can be in charge. Chat Icon

Ditto! Don't let this get to you - even when you have your degree, there will always be people above you who should have pursued another line of work. I hope you are motivated to get your degree! As an adult student myself, I know it's hard, but you can do it!

I sent off my application for a loan last week. I would love to go back to school in the fall. Even if only part time.

Posted 5/16/06 8:15 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

Posted by Mommyof2

Posted by MsG

Posted by nov04libride

Chat Icon I hope this is encouragement to pursue your degree so that you can be in charge. Chat Icon

Ditto! Don't let this get to you - even when you have your degree, there will always be people above you who should have pursued another line of work. I hope you are motivated to get your degree! As an adult student myself, I know it's hard, but you can do it!

I sent off my application for a loan last week. I would love to go back to school in the fall. Even if only part time.

As an aside, I am a big cheerleader of online education, which might be a great option for you with the kids at home! Education is the one thing no one can ever take away from you.

Though I've got graduate degrees and still get treated like sh!t at work. Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 8:23 PM

St Philomena Protect My Son

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Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

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Posted 5/16/06 9:04 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

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Posted 5/16/06 9:16 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Not all people with degrees deserve them! (Very long rant)

I hear ya. I think they just give degrees to anyone these days. I'm sorry! Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:34 PM

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