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Fire department rant

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Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Fire department rant

I am out walking my dog and I look up and see a huge thing of smoke and then flashing orange. It looked small with the smoke then all of a sudden woosh....First 2 things that jumped into my head was someone's house is on fire or some stupid kids are in the woods starting a fire.

So I start walking to the corner and as I am walking (mind you holding a cell phone, dog on a leash and flashlight) I called 911 because I honestly couldnt tell until I got closer but at least I would have them on the line. Where theirs dark smoke their is fire is my thought...

So what happens my damn cell phone drops. 2nd time around...cell phone drops. well 3rd time is a charm and I finally get 911 on the line. I give them all the info. Location, type of smoke, flames, etc....and the fact that it's some idiot in his driveway and it's his garbage can that is shooting flames. I dont know if it's hazardous materials, i dont know if anyone is hurt. All i know is their is smoke and fire and if this person decides to go in his house and pop open a beer and this fire gets out of control it could be a lot worse. They ask me if I want to talk to an officer. No I want the fire department here and putting out that fire because I dont want it to get out of control and spread to the woods and to my house which is 3 blocks down.

So now it is 30 min later and guess what.....


I guess if your garbage can is shooting 1 - 2 foot flames and their is a sky full of smoke it's really not an emergency Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 8:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: Fire department rant

Funny you say that because my neighbors like to make fires on their patio (yes, literally on the patio) and in a cauldron in the summer. The flames go up 5-6 feet! One of the neighbors is a fireman and never did anything. My friend also works with the fire dept. and he said they would probably not do anything about it unless it was a real danger! The smell alone is horrible with the windows open in the summer. Someday my fire alarm WILL go off!
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Posted 1/4/06 9:10 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Re: Fire department rant

Maybe the figured it was only a fire in a garbage can and decided to pass until they were called that it was out of control.
Maybe its their way of trying to stay available for the 5 alarm fire?
I need a shrugging shoulders icon here.

Posted 1/4/06 9:14 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Fire department rant

I think what upset me the most is a fire is a fire. Contain it now while it's small. Do something to prevent it from getting worse. Yea its some little garbage can fire, but what if that guys little girl thought it would be funny to throw twigs in there and got hurt? That accident could have been prevented if they had sent someone over. What if that guy went into his house and a raccoon knocked the can over?

It's really stupid things I think of but in the long run it is something that can be prevented. Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/06 9:41 PM

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