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solids vs formula?

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my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


solids vs formula?

I am confused and wanted to know if anyone had a similar porblem. I will be going to the docs office tom. but wanted to get some info from you girls first.Chat Icon

Antonio's feeding schedule is wacky. I feel like he is not getting enough formula or even eating enough food. He is 6 months old and this is his schedule.

6am 2-4 oz bottle
10am 3tbspns cereal 3 baby spoons fruit
2pm-only 2oz formula!
5pm-3 tablespoons cereal and 1 stage one veg
8pm-6 oz bottle

**2-4 am 2-4oz bottle

I try to give him mor formula during the day but he refuses.

here are my questions (after rambling on for an hour)Chat Icon

1-Do solids have the same nutritional value as formula?
2-Do your babies eat the solids excitedly all the time or with resistance?(antonio whines sometimes while eating)
3-Are 15oz of formula enough?


His GI said to start meats but I am afraid he will not take any formula then!

Posted 3/13/06 10:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

I think he should be drinking more formula. He will get more vitamins from the formula. What does the Dr think?

Hayley's schedule:

wake up - 2 tbs cereal & 1/2 jar fruit then a 7oz bottle (usually finishes bottle, sometimes doesn't finish an ounce or two )

usually 4 hours later - 1/2 to full jar of vegies and same of fruit then a bottle 5-7 ounces (I am starting to wait about 1/2 hour to hour after giving vegies to give her the bottle)

then about every 4 - 4 1/2 hours a 7 oz bottle.

Now that she is on stage 2 foods & meats, I will start giving her some meat for lunch and vegies around dinnertime.

Posted 3/13/06 10:51 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

I think he needs to be taking more formula. I think he should be drinking about 24-28 ounces of formula still. I am not 100% positive about it, but I think that is what Jake was doing at the time. Right now Jakeis 15 months old and still drinks about 20 ounces of milk a day and my dr. said that was great. Every doctor is different though.

Posted 3/13/06 11:39 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

I think the doctor told me 18-20 but I am not sure. I have to ask tomorrow.

Saturday I tried replacing his dinner with a bottle bht he became so uncomfortable with large volume of liquid he was spitting up large amounts of formula all night.

Posted 3/13/06 2:58 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

He should be getting 24-26oz of formula a day is what I am told.
I really have to push the bottles on Miranda and I'll skip a solid meal if I have to because the nutrition from BM or formula is more important to them now. Also he needs the hydration from the liquids.
Can you do 2oz before then after? We dont keep a schedule. I just try to offer her small bottles as often as I think she'll take them just to get it in then she gets a feeding at 11pm or so after she's gone to bed (she wakes for this).

ETA: Meats at 6 months sounds insane to me. I am not a doctor by any means but wow that seems early. A lot of babies don't start any solids until 6 months let alone meats.

Message edited 3/13/2006 5:11:22 PM.

Posted 3/13/06 5:10 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

I have a few friends that their babies are a few weeks apart from Hayley. They all are on stage 2 foods and meats too. (we all use differents ped's too)

Posted 3/13/06 7:48 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

Posted by 2003fallwedding

I have a few friends that their babies are a few weeks apart from Hayley. They all are on stage 2 foods and meats too. (we all use differents ped's too)

I guess it really does depend on what you're doc recommends and maybe geopgraphics. Out here ped's don't push solids early at all but we're full of "crunchy" moms in Colorado.

Posted 3/13/06 8:02 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

Emily is taking about 20-22 oz of formula a day and the doctor said that is OK because she is gaining well. She does have 3 good solid meals a day.

Did he eat considerably more formula before introducing solids? Maybe you should cut back some on the solids and increase the formula?

Posted 3/13/06 10:02 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: solids vs formula?

Posted by Melbernai

Did he eat considerably more formula before introducing solids? Maybe you should cut back some on the solids and increase the formula?

he use to eat about 20-26 ..but always gained weight.

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Let's see what the doc says today. It's confusing because the Gastroentoroligist says one thing and the ped says another. Motherhood is so confusing!

Thanks girls

Message edited 3/14/2006 8:26:56 AM.

Posted 3/14/06 8:25 AM

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