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Child Beauty Pageants

Forum Opinion Poll
It's Ok For Children To Participate 7 12.50%
Children Shouldn't Participate 37 66.07%
I'm Not Sure 12 21.43%

The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

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Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Child Beauty you think it's ok for children to be part of them?

The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted 8/21/06 10:54 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

No yuck!! They make them dentures to fit over lost not normal!! It's just not healthy. And the moms are nuts!!

Message edited 8/21/2006 11:03:41 AM.

Posted 8/21/06 10:56 AM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

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Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

I don't think little girls need to be objectified from such a young age and certainly don't think they should be judged on their "beauty" with fake hair, tan and make-up. And little boys certainly don't need to be "handsome"'s a sick world. Especially when they do the newborn pageants! Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 10:56 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Honestly, I would never let my daughter compete in something like that until she was MUCH older and only if it were her choice. It bothers me how they dress these girls up to look like little women. Let them be kids and leave the dressing up for play time.

Posted 8/21/06 10:56 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by sasha

I don't think little girls need to be objectified from such a young age and certainly don't think they should be judged on their "beauty" with fake hair, tan and make-up. And little boys certainly don't need to be "handsome"'s a sick world. Especially when they do the newborn pageants! Chat Icon

Newborn?????????????? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 10:57 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

They repulse me!Chat Icon I seriously think the Mom's are living vicariously through their children, it is sickChat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 10:58 AM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05

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God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG

Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by sasha

I don't think little girls need to be objectified from such a young age and certainly don't think they should be judged on their "beauty" with fake hair, tan and make-up. And little boys certainly don't need to be "handsome"'s a sick world. Especially when they do the newborn pageants! Chat Icon

Newborn?????????????? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

YES!! I remember when Bravo or TLC did the Pageant Moms & Dad's thing (title could be different)...they start them at months old! Chat Icon

ETA: Sad to say, but it's mostly SAHM in Middle America with nothing else going on...this is "fun" for them! Chat Icon

Message edited 8/21/2006 11:00:31 AM.

Posted 8/21/06 10:59 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by sasha

YES!! I remember when Bravo or TLC did the Pageant Moms & Dad's thing (title could be different)...they start them at months old! Chat Icon

ETA: Sad to say, but it's mostly SAHM in Middle America with nothing else going on...this is "fun" for them! Chat Icon

This absolutely disgusts me Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 11:01 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Pageants? No. There is too much stress on the child and competition. While competition can be healthy in sports it is not healthy in terms of looks at such a young age.

I do however, think that if a grounded parent (SAHM or not) has the time to involve their children in print modeling to generate a "college fund" that it could be helpful to a family of limited means. And only if that money goes into a trust fund and does not interfere with school or home life.

Posted 8/21/06 11:08 AM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by sasha

I don't think little girls need to be objectified from such a young age and certainly don't think they should be judged on their "beauty" with fake hair, tan and make-up. And little boys certainly don't need to be "handsome"'s a sick world. Especially when they do the newborn pageants! Chat Icon

I completely agree with this - these pageants sexualize young children. Yuk!

Message edited 8/21/2006 11:11:15 AM.

Posted 8/21/06 11:11 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by sasha

I don't think little girls need to be objectified from such a young age and certainly don't think they should be judged on their "beauty" with fake hair, tan and make-up. And little boys certainly don't need to be "handsome"'s a sick world. Especially when they do the newborn pageants! Chat Icon

I agree!! At these ages, these are definitely for the parents, not the kids. Plus you kill a kids self esteem. how do you explain to a 5 year old that they didn't win because they wren't pretty enough or talented enough?? Its terrible.

Posted 8/21/06 11:23 AM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by Stacey1403

They repulse me!Chat Icon I seriously think the Mom's are living vicariously through their children, it is sickChat Icon

ITA with you! Pageants make me Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 11:27 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Ugh. I hate it.
If it's a local talent competition, or acting and modeling as Leslie broguht up and hte kids enjoy it and it doesn't interfere with normal life, then I think that's ok, but a lot of aprents take things WAY too far. The tanning, fake teeth, all that make up, hair extensions, you're not teaching he kid to believe in herself, there's nothing of her "self" on that stage, it's all artificial. The parents do it for themselves, not the kids..and there are stage moms like that too. I used to work at a theatre camp and I would hug one of my 8 y/o campers as she cried because of all the pressure her mom would put on her. She's be baskstage at dress rehearsals telling her kid she was ugly, or didn't have enough energy, and this poor kid was straining herself.

Posted 8/21/06 11:30 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

Posted by Goldi0218

Pageants? No. There is too much stress on the child and competition. While competition can be healthy in sports it is not healthy in terms of looks at such a young age.

I do however, think that if a grounded parent (SAHM or not) has the time to involve their children in print modeling to generate a "college fund" that it could be helpful to a family of limited means. And only if that money goes into a trust fund and does not interfere with school or home life.

I agree. I think the pre-teen (tween)set has enough issues focusing on their looks. I don't see why anyone would start want to start it any earlier. My three year old thinks she's beautiful (ok, I do too Chat Icon ). There is no way in h3ll I'd let anyone tell her that she's not beautiful enough. Everyone is beautiful in their own right.

If the parents are doing it to socialize, then join a mother's group. To the parents that have learned job interviewing skills & are now more confident, take a class. You don't better yourself at the expense of your daughter's self esteem.

Message edited 8/21/2006 11:45:03 AM.

Posted 8/21/06 11:44 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: The Whys & Woes of Beauty Pageants

I think pageants are fine- once the child is old enough to ask for it herself. It should not be something for babies or small children.

Posted 8/21/06 11:55 AM

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