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Girls that have or had round ligament pain.

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Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


Girls that have or had round ligament pain.

I seem to be having a lot of discomfort/pain on my left side, like where my ovaries are kinda. To the point where i can hardly stand up straight. I took tylenol last night and it felt a lot better but this morning i woke up with it again. Nothing seems to help that much. Sitting makes it feel a tiny bit better.

so my questions you guys think that this is indeed round ligament pain or something to worry about. If so, when will this go away. I thought it didnt last this long. Im 22 weeks.

I actually went to the doctor the other day because i have been having other aches and pains and they did an internal to check my cervix and he said its closed (thankfully). I hate to have to call again.

Message edited 9/28/2006 8:53:33 AM.

Posted 9/28/06 6:12 AM
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Re: Girls that round ligament pain.

I had pain so badly at one point that I left work in tears convinced I was losing the baby. I was about 25 weeks. I'm not a wimp when it comes to pain normally. My ob/gyn saw me & said it was round ligament pain. He said to take a warm bath/shower to see if it goes away.

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Posted 9/28/06 7:09 AM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Girls that round ligament pain.

That is very normal. And very painful too. I was barely able to stand up on my two feet it was so painful. Give it a few days and it should subside. Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 8:52 AM

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