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Food questions

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April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Food questions

Just wanting to know if I am feeding Sydney the right amount. She'll soon be 8 months. It is very hard to judge with her because she is such a fast eater that she'll act like she wants more because the food didnt even to make it to her tummy yet.

I have been giving her 4 bottles a day - about 22 ounces and 3 stage 2s and some oatmeal. I have been trying to give her some "real food" and she doesnt seem to like it. Tonight we tried Pastina for the first time.

How much do other 8 months old and when did your babies start liking table food?


Posted 8/27/06 6:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

154 total posts


Re: Food questions

DD is 8 months also and the amount is similar to ours. She doesn't like table food yet- actually SPIT out pastina at me! Will only take the meat that is mixed with a vegetable or fruit. She loves the biter biscuits and puffs too.

Posted 8/27/06 6:58 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Food questions

no hlep here...DD is almost 8 months, takes 3 bottles a day (8 oz but never finishes completely).

HATES baby's a struggle to get her to eat her 4 tbsp of cereal mixed with fruit in the AM.

Posted 8/27/06 7:47 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Food questions

Erica, I dont know if I will be any help because Sara is a piggy Chat Icon . She loves to eat.

Breakfast: 4 tablespoons of oatmeal with 1 stage 2 fruit . I use a 5 ounce bottle for drinking and making her cereal

Lunch: 1 stage 2 veggie or meat meal followed by stage 1 fruit for dessert. She will then drink a 5 ounce bottle

Dinner : Same as breakfast

This varies day to day she sometimes has 3 bottles and sometimes 4. Her formula never totals more then20 ounces though in a day.

If she wakes up early she has 4 bottles in a day. If she wakes up late she only gets in 3 for the day.

Posted 8/27/06 8:12 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Food questions

I would say that there is no right amount, every baby is different and you just need to follow your babies food cues. Noah is almost 8 months old and he usually has no more than 5/6 bites of whatever it is that I am feeding him (unless its a Fruit Tumble Yogurt, than he will bogart the whole thing) Anyway, I try not to worry about how much he eats becase a) he is gaining weight regularly b) he never cries or lets me know that he is hungry c) I give him breadsticks and fingerfoods throughout the day, which he eats and c) you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Thats the philosophy that I use. He has 3/4 bottles a day, so as long as he has his milk feeds, he is doing fine!!!

Posted 8/28/06 5:28 AM

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