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Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

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i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

ANyone do it?
Back in college, I worked full-time and did school full-time, but my job was so much easier and less stressful back then. With the job I have now, I don't know if I can do it.
I would work 8:30-5:00 and then go straight to school (1/2 hour- 45 minute drive) then have school 6:00-10:00 M,Tu,W,Th. I would also have school 8:30-4:30 on Saturdays. This would be for a little over 6 months.
If it got to be too much to handle I could always quit my f/t job and find something p/t and easier to do during the day... but I want to try keeping my job for now because the program is very expensiveChat Icon
SO what do you think? Does it sound like too much to handle?
There wouldn't be any homework besides reading.

Posted 5/6/06 2:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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big brother <3

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I work full-time and do my doctorate on weekends 8:30-5:30 Saturdays and Sundays (along with occasional Friday nights). It's rough, and I don't see too much of DH, but since it's a finite amount of time I am getting through it. It is hard having a difficult job full-time (it's not like working full-time when I was undergrad) because I am constantly having to handle work problems and answer emails on weekends, and sometimes work conferences, etc. interfere with class. Having a "serious" job is much harder than working in JCrew or on campus when I was an undergrad while going to school. Then I really didn't take my job home with me, and now I have to.

We often talk in class about this problem. Any time you add something into your life something else has to give--for me in the school situation it is my time with DH. Chat Icon

Message edited 5/6/2006 3:42:39 PM.

Posted 5/6/06 3:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?


I'm doing that right now too, and after 4.5 months of it, I come home every night ready to either
a) cry
b) rip someone's head off.

I have a lot of assignments though, so if your only HW is reading, maybe it won't be too bad?

Posted 5/6/06 3:40 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I did it twice - for a masters in public policy and a masters in el ed....its hard but its worth it - you get it done and then its over.....i worked sat at a job where I could do some work so that helped too, though!
ps - i gradauted with a 3.9 and a 4.0 so it can be done!!

Message edited 5/6/2006 3:50:06 PM.

Posted 5/6/06 3:49 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

Beth, I was thinking about you when I was tying this question! How long is your program? For me, the nights and weekends will only last until December and then it will become a daily 9-5 on the job training so by then I will have to leave my f/t job. I keep thinking it is only 6 months, I should be able to handle that. I did it for 4 years during college ( I worked much over 40 hours per week during college too). But back then I actually liked my jobs.

Posted 5/6/06 3:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I think it depends on what kind of a person you are. I find that some people can just mentally handle having a lot on their plates. I know for me, I can get stressed pretty easily so I don't know if I could personally handle it. On the other hand, it is only for 6 months. It will probably go fast. Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 5/6/06 4:18 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I am working full time and by the end of June will have completed 15 graduate credits from January-June. I am trying to do it fast because at the end of next school year I have to have my master's completed. It is hard, especially with the baby, but it is completely possible.

Good luck!

Posted 5/6/06 4:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I work full time and go to school full time at night M-Th. It is a lot and really takes a lot out of me. I know it is worth so I have a goal and I sacrifise whatever I need to get through it. Do the best you can, Sat is a good option if you can do it.

Posted 5/6/06 5:17 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

Posted by julz33

Beth, I was thinking about you when I was tying this question! How long is your program? For me, the nights and weekends will only last until December and then it will become a daily 9-5 on the job training so by then I will have to leave my f/t job. I keep thinking it is only 6 months, I should be able to handle that. I did it for 4 years during college ( I worked much over 40 hours per week during college too). But back then I actually liked my jobs.

I have 2 years of classes like that, and 1 year of individual advisement for my dissertation (I want to say 7 four-hour sessions each semester? Not at that point yet). For six months I would definitely say do it. Anything is doable for 6 months. Chat Icon For me I am just counting down til the end, but I knew I wanted to finish my doctorate before we have kids so there was kind of no other option for me. I have to work full time to pay my tuition and help with the mortgage, so quitting wasn't an option (if I had that option, I probably would have and done a more competitive program and gone during the day). I have a 4.2, so I am doing fine, it's just a lot of work. I go to work, do homework, sleep. Repeat Mon-Fri, then class 8:30-5:30 Sat and Sun. For 2 years.

Posted 5/6/06 5:19 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I worked part time and went to school full time in the city...

it worked out

I think you are young and should go for it

Posted 5/6/06 5:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/06

671 total posts


Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

FH is almost finished doing this...he went back to school to become a Radiaiton Therapist...graduates in 2 weeks. I'm so proud of him. He had to work full time and take a full semester's worth of credits divided up into classes and clinic rotations. It was a rough 2 years but it actually went by pretty fast. It is a long road but worth it in the long run, at least my fh and I think so.

ETA: I re-read totally worth it for 6 months. The time will fly by! Go for it!

Message edited 5/6/2006 7:51:56 PM.

Posted 5/6/06 7:49 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

Posted by Candygrl776

FH is almost finished doing this...he went back to school to become a Radiaiton Therapist...graduates in 2 weeks. I'm so proud of him. He had to work full time and take a full semester's worth of credits divided up into classes and clinic rotations. It was a rough 2 years but it actually went by pretty fast. It is a long road but worth it in the long run, at least my fh and I think so.

ETA: I re-read totally worth it for 6 months. The time will fly by! Go for it!

I am 90% sure I am going to go for it! There are just a few more things I need to figure out and I need a little more info about the actual program.
I am going to go for something similar actuallyChat Icon

Posted 5/6/06 7:53 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

DH worked FT and went to law school. Even though he was in the PT evening program, he still had classes 4 nights a week from 5:30 to 9pm. He would stay at school until 10 or so to do some reading for the next day. He also spent all day Sat at the library.

It was tough, but after 4 years it's paying off bc he graduates in 2 weeks! It's something that your DH will have to be very supportive and patient bc it will put a strain on your relationship. There are many times you won't be able to spend much quality time.

I definitely think you could survive 6 months. Good Luck!

Message edited 5/6/2006 9:31:25 PM.

Posted 5/6/06 9:30 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I did it for a year. I was a full time student first, then took on a full time teaching job and it was rough, partly because I was a first year teacher with 4 different classes to prep for and the workload was unbelievable. For me, it was managable, because like Beth's program, the classes were on weekends. IMO, the hard part of what you are looking at is classes on all those weeknights AND weekends. I also wasn't married at the time.

But for 6 months, i think it is do-able. Also, you are in a job you know and are experienced in and if it gets to be too much, you can always try to find something part time. I think it's an investment in your future and trying to find some thing that makes you happy, so it is worth the risk of trying it out. I wish you the best of luck in making the decision, Julz. Keep us posted Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/7/06 11:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Working Full-time and going to school Full-time? School on Saturdays?

I reread your post. It is for 6 month only? you can definately do it. It will be a lot and different then when you are an undergrad working and going to school, but it is definately do able. Good luck to you!

Posted 5/7/06 11:31 AM

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