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Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

And for those of you who are on baby 2 and it anything like your 1st preg?

Were your symptoms the same as last time (for b4 your BFP?)

And- for those who know the sex...
Is it same for the same sex...

Meaning... your 1st was a boy, and this is a boy...and they are exactly the same


Your 1st was a boy, this ones a girl, and they are so different???

Im not planning on TTC for a long long time... but just curious if they have any correlation!

Posted 3/30/06 8:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

#2. We weren't actively trying, but both times it was our first month off BC. I didn't think either time I'd get pregnant so fast, so any symptoms I just chalked up to AF.

Don't know the gender, but my pregnancy this time was very different than last. I had no morning sickness or anything with Sarah, just the usual round ligament pain and then false labor for the last few weeks. I wasn't even that tired most of the time.

This time I had morning sickness all day long for the first trimester, I had a bad ear infection and bronchitis and was on anitbiotics twice, have this weird nerve thing going on where my left thigh constantly feels like someone's holding a match to it and burning me, lower back pain and I'm exhausted the whole time. My OB said the back pain and exhaustion is from chasing and carrying Sarah, but the rest is just rotten luck.

Posted 3/30/06 8:51 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

Posted by sarahsmommy

#2. We weren't actively trying, but both times it was our first month off BC. I didn't think either time I'd get pregnant so fast, so any symptoms I just chalked up to AF.

Don't know the gender, but my pregnancy this time was very different than last. I had no morning sickness or anything with Sarah, just the usual round ligament pain and then false labor for the last few weeks. I wasn't even that tired most of the time.

This time I had morning sickness all day long for the first trimester, I had a bad ear infection and bronchitis and was on anitbiotics twice, have this weird nerve thing going on where my left thigh constantly feels like someone's holding a match to it and burning me, lower back pain and I'm exhausted the whole time. My OB said the back pain and exhaustion is from chasing and carrying Sarah, but the rest is just rotten luck.

Are you gonna find out??

Posted 3/30/06 8:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

Posted by Princessmaris

Posted by sarahsmommy

#2. We weren't actively trying, but both times it was our first month off BC. I didn't think either time I'd get pregnant so fast, so any symptoms I just chalked up to AF.

Don't know the gender, but my pregnancy this time was very different than last. I had no morning sickness or anything with Sarah, just the usual round ligament pain and then false labor for the last few weeks. I wasn't even that tired most of the time.

This time I had morning sickness all day long for the first trimester, I had a bad ear infection and bronchitis and was on anitbiotics twice, have this weird nerve thing going on where my left thigh constantly feels like someone's holding a match to it and burning me, lower back pain and I'm exhausted the whole time. My OB said the back pain and exhaustion is from chasing and carrying Sarah, but the rest is just rotten luck.

Are you gonna find out??

No, I kinda wanted to but DH was totally against it. He really liked calling everyone to tell them. It was cute how excited and proud he was.

Posted 3/30/06 8:56 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

I cant wait to know for you Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 8:59 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

Posted by Princessmaris

I cant wait to know for you Chat Icon

I'm feeling like Chat Icon but I don't know if that's because this pregnancy is so different and my parents had me then my brother. My family is all saying girl, but last time they all said boy.

Posted 3/30/06 9:01 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

This is baby# 3, and boy # 3.

Ive felt the same with all 3 pregnancies, nothing to complain about, thank goodness.

I think Im tired quicker earlier in the day now, because Im running after 2 rambunctious toddlers Chat Icon Chat Icon but I keep running somehow, till I collapse at nite Chat Icon

I also think Im showing sooner this time around, but then think maybe its because Im working and need to fit into proper looking clothes Chat Icon whereas with the other 2, I just wore comfy stuff all the time and didnt feel myself POP till later on...but I really do think I popped sooner. Im 22 weeks, and just feel huge some days already Chat Icon and other days some people tell me I dont even look preggo (how kind of them huh? Chat Icon Chat Icon )

Also, I didnt find out with the past 2 and I did find out this time. I have to say, Im NOT disappointed that I found out. I was afraid I was going to be so sad and traumatized by finding out Chat Icon its actually kinda cool to know whats coming, and picturing the 3 boys running up my walls Chat Icon Chat Icon and just daydreaming about 3 cute lil brothers growing up together, that type of stuff...
of course this does not take away from the PURE MAGIC of finding out that day. Im not trying to sway anyone into finding out. I wouldnt have done it any other way!
Now if only hubby would agree on the name I want, we can even start calling him by his name to make it even more real...Chat Icon

did I answer all the questions? Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 9:20 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

Not sure if the BTDTs were supposed to post on this or not, but I'll answer anyway...

First pregnancy, piece of cake. Showed much later. Carried lower, pregnany all over, about 25 lbs gained.Chat Icon

Second pregnancy was complete different. A lot more morning sickness and completely exhausted - much more than with my first pregnancy. It could be attributed to taking care of a toddler who was unable to sleep in his crib, getting him out the door & catching an earlier train. Carried high (even until the end), only a little belly, only about 12lbs gained. Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 9:54 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

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Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

#3 for me.

1st was a Chat Icon ..had a wonderful, uneventful pregnancy. Gained about 25 pounds, not one minute of any naseau or anything...started showing at about 6 months

2nd was a Chat Icon .. was VERY sick up until about 14 weeks.. Couldnt stop throwing up, had to get admited to the hospital for the day.Lost about 10 pounds in the begining but would up gaining about 20 ( so i really only gained about 10 pounds) I figured it was a girl since it was such a different pregnancy but i was wrong.
Started showing at about 4 months

Now this time I feel nothing again. No MS.. so who the heck knows what it is! Im going to find out though when I can..
Started showing about 2 weeks ago at 8 weeks.

Message edited 3/30/2006 10:04:08 PM.

Posted 3/30/06 10:02 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

This is my second.

First pregnancy I was working FT and felt great. No morning sickness and worked up until I delivered. Had the normal insomnia, heartburn, etc. but a great pregnancy. We did not find out the gender, but I just knew it was a boy for some reason. I gained about 30 lbs and lost it pretty quickly.

This time around, I got sick for more than a week and just thought I had a virus, because I *thought* I had a period and couldn't be pregnant. When I was puking while changing my sons diaper one day and then getting nauseaus while coioking dinner one night over the smell, I tested and was a BFP, much to my surprise (we had been trying, but I was shocked because like I said, I thought I had a period and was out that month).

I was nauseaus for 11 weeks. I was also exhausted, but I guess that's because I was chasing after a 15 month old. I had a feeling it was a girl and we were right. My weight gain has been great up until now, but lately I feel as though I am packing on pounds (I am 33 weeks).

She may even arrive just as Andrew turns 2, how cool would it be if they share the same birthdate?

Posted 3/30/06 10:38 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

Posted by chmlengr
how cool would it be if they share the same birthdate?

Trish-I can tell ya its super cool to share a bday with a sibling Chat Icon Chat Icon

I cant wait to meet Andrews baby sister ! Chat Icon

Posted 3/31/06 6:49 AM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

1st baby for us!

Posted 3/31/06 8:38 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?


Posted 3/31/06 9:51 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

# 1

Posted 3/31/06 9:57 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?


Posted 3/31/06 10:54 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

This is #2 for me. They are both boys. I carried a lot smaller this time around, up until I hit 36 wks, now I can definitely see myself as big as I was with #1.
With my first, I got sick with m/s in the 2nd trimester, with this one...I got sick with m/s during the 1st trimester. I really thought I was having a girl this time around since there were differences between the two, but as you can see...I am having a boy again! Chat Icon
I guess, every pregnancy is just different.

Posted 3/31/06 1:48 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

this is baby #1 for us!

Message edited 4/1/2006 1:56:25 PM.

Posted 4/1/06 1:56 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

I had 2 pgs and they were completely different (which is why I was sooo sure #2 was a girl...not! Chat Icon)

I gained 60 pounds w/ number 1 and 13 w/ #2.... sick as a dog w/ that one! My 1st was 9 lbs., 5 oz. and my 2nd was 8 even. Chat Icon

Posted 4/1/06 2:22 PM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: Is this your 1st- 2nd 3rd etc... baby?

Posted by Tanaholic

1st baby for us!

Us too!

Posted 4/1/06 4:33 PM

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