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need eating guidance lol

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need eating guidance lol

I am hungry all the time. I just got done eating a 100 calorie pack of gold fish and my stomach started to growl. I don't want to gain a lot of weight. Can you give me what your average day consists of eating? Maybe I'm not eating the right things.

Posted 3/15/06 10:28 AM
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Re: need eating guidance lol

I am not sure I can be of great help, cause I can always eat too.
But I would try to drink more water or gatorade - sometimes I was thirsty not hungry.
And I always try to have fruit around. I love grapes - so they are always at my house.

Posted 3/15/06 10:31 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: need eating guidance lol

I just started the "put nothing in my mouth that isn't nutritious" rule and it's worked out really well. But then again, I'm only 6 weeks. I started this because my weight went up 5 lbs right after I got my BFP and I was starving all the time. I think it was mostly water since now I'm down 4 lbs from that for a total gain of 1lb (probably all boob swelling Chat Icon ).

I eat a yogurt in the morning, a salad and a homemade lentil soup with tofu (I have the recipe if you want) rye bread, and feta for lunch (sooooo yummy and filling), and chicken or steak with a heavy-duty salad filled with tons of yummy veggies and herbs or soup in the PM. I also drink a lot of water and some juice for snacks. I'm not starving either.

When the 2nd trimester starts I'm going to start adding more fruit for snacks. It'll be spring/summer and the fruit will be in season. We only need to add 300 cals a day to feed the little one.

Posted 3/15/06 10:38 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: need eating guidance lol

When I got on those snacking binges, I tried to eat fruits of veggies. I always kept a bag of baby carrots on hand. I also ate a lot of yogurt. At 30 weeks I only gained about 15 lbs. I have gained some more since that- but I (hope) that is just the baby getting bigger.

Posted 3/15/06 10:40 AM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: need eating guidance lol

I find that cheese and milk are very filling. I picked up a bag of individually wrapped Cabot Cheddar cheese snacks, which are low fat and delicious.

Posted 3/15/06 10:41 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: need eating guidance lol

I'm having the same problem.

I had the chocolate ensure mother drinks and they are really good and pretty filling. Just make sure they are really cold.

Posted 3/15/06 10:49 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: need eating guidance lol

This is what I usually eat (I'm 30 weeks):

Breakfast - a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit on top, like sliced strawberries or banana

Snack - a small handful of almonds, or a 100 calorie snack pack of Ritz mix

Snack 2 - an apple or other kind of fruit

Lunch - Lean Cuisine or leftovers from dinner the night before

Snack 3 - if I'm not too full, I'll eat a bar, like Triple Threat by Power Bar.

Dinner - whatever I feel like, usually something low fat.

Lately I've been really bad though - here at work they always have food lying around. Yesterday I had a donut and a piece of carrot cake Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 10:58 AM

needs to update her avatar pic

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: need eating guidance lol

Posted by waytogo

I eat a yogurt in the morning, a salad and a homemade lentil soup with tofu (I have the recipe if you want) rye bread, and feta for lunch (sooooo yummy and filling), and chicken or steak with a heavy-duty salad filled with tons of yummy veggies and herbs or soup in the PM. I also drink a lot of water and some juice for snacks. I'm not starving either.

Can you post the recipe, please? I would love to make that!
Also, did your doc say it was OK to eat feta cheese? My doc said no and it is my FAVORITE! If your doc said yes, I am switching doctors!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 12:29 PM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: need eating guidance lol

Jenn.....Where do you get those ensure drinks?

Posted 3/15/06 12:30 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: need eating guidance lol

I know it costs more money, but I buy a lot of snack pack type things (like crackers, 100 cal packs, etc...) so that if I feel the need to snack, atelast I know I'm only having one portion. Otherwise I can eat a whole box. I also try to go for the fruits or veggies first. For the most part, I eat whenever I'm hungry.

Posted 3/15/06 12:57 PM

Making big changes

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Re: need eating guidance lol

Posted by jessbaby

Jenn.....Where do you get those ensure drinks?

I get mine at either Waldbaum's or Stop and Shop. They have vanilla shakes too.

Posted 3/15/06 1:05 PM

Life is good...

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Re: need eating guidance lol

I'm not sure how far along I am, either 6 weeks or 10, but none of my pants fit me anymore. I think I have to start wearing maternity. And, the funny thing is I eat LESS now than pre-pg because I have been getting so sick. And, sweets make me sick, so I haven't been eating junk food either. THis is what I eat:

Breakfast: cereal (Kashi) or oatmeal or yogurt
Lunch: soup and 1/2 a sandwich or Salad
Dinner: usually chicken cutlet, rice or some other carb and veggies.

I don't know why I am gaining so fast. My only hope is that I am further along than 6 weeks. Pre-pg, I would pig out all night while watching TV. Now, nothing appeals to me. Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 1:16 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: need eating guidance lol

The feta is from PASTEURIZED milk, which is OK. Here's the recipe...I revised it from the original. It has broth in it which has MSG so if you don't want it, just leave it out and add salt.

As you can probably tell from the ingredients it has a lot of fiber and protein, no sugar, low fat, and not too many calories. Recipe below is for 6 servings although it seems more like 8 to me!

2 chopped onions
2 cloves minced garlic (I bought minced in a jar and used 2tsp)
1 tsp grated giner (also from jar)
1 tbsp olive oil

Saute all of above in large pot for 5 min

6cups water or 6c chicken broth
1 cup lentils washed with water
15 oz can chick peas drained
1 can (small or large) cannellini beans drained
14-15 oz can diced tomatoes
1/2 cup sliced carrots (1c if you like veggies)
1/2 cup chopped celery (1c if you like veggies)
2 tsp garam masala (1 if you don't like spicy)
1 1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (don't add or use regular pepper if you don't like spicy)
1/2 tsp cumin1tsp salt more of less to taste

Add all above ingredients bring to a boil for a few minutes then simmer for 1 to 1.5 hrs until lentils soft

Puree up to half of soup in food processor depending on how chunky you like your soup.

Add cubed tofu and sprinkle feta (pasteurized) on top before eating.

Message edited 3/15/2006 1:29:38 PM.

Posted 3/15/06 1:21 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: need eating guidance lol

I say eat what you want to eat, all in moderation, watch your portion sizes, there are much better things to concentrate on.

You are growing a baby!! A new life who depends on you!! The weight will come off. I totally believe that weight gain is genetic anyways.

Some women eat really good and don't gain, some women eat really good and still gain a ton. Your body will do what it wants too.

except for the 1st trimester (m/s was really bad), I have eaten really well, and boy have I gained!! I was a size 4-6, who know what I am now. I stopped a long time ago obbessing, and just accepted that this is what my body is going to do to grow that baby and prepare for birth. I am almost 33 weeks pg and have gained 32 pounds. I am fat, happy, and loving my baby girl who now weighs 4lbs 13oz!!

Enjoy your pg, savor the bites of food, live life to the fullestChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 2:03 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: need eating guidance lol

If your stomach is growling then you need to eat. Constant healthy snacks during the day. Apples ,carrots, grapes, snackwells etc...Your weight will be fine if you choose wisely. Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 2:18 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: need eating guidance lol

Posted by BlessedBMommi

If your stomach is growling then you need to eat. Constant healthy snacks during the day. Apples ,carrots, grapes, snackwells etc...Your weight will be fine if you choose wisely. Chat Icon

I agree, you cant NOT eat because you dont want to gain weight. You are eating for 2 now.

Posted 3/15/06 3:08 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: need eating guidance lol

Posted by Diane

Posted by BlessedBMommi

If your stomach is growling then you need to eat. Constant healthy snacks during the day. Apples ,carrots, grapes, snackwells etc...Your weight will be fine if you choose wisely. Chat Icon

I agree, you cant NOT eat because you dont want to You are eating for 2 now.

Thats what I struggled with at first - theni realized, if i get fat, its long as my baby is healthy and growing like it should...dieting can come after the baby is born!

Posted 3/15/06 8:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: need eating guidance lol

walnuts were a good snack for me to have around

also big glasses of milk (sometimes with some quik Chat Icon ) always helped!

Posted 3/16/06 8:35 AM

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