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the three month mark

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


the three month mark

I have noticed a lot of people have mentioned the 3 month mark with their babies - that things are different - or get easier...could you maybe expand on that - what should us new moms expect to be different at the three month mark?

Posted 11/20/05 10:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

1889 total posts


Re: the three month mark

What I can remember with Jenna at 3 months was just a more "scheduled" routine. Although I was royally blessed with her sleeping through the night at 8 weeksChat Icon she was on a more predictable feeding/napping schedule. She was also less "fussy"-she never had colic but was pretty fussy in the beginning and she definately seemed happier around that time. She became more aware of her surroundings and exploring hands/feet/toys.

Posted 11/20/05 10:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: the three month mark

I heard the same thing about the "3 month mark". Well let me tell you that was a HUGE let down. But we had food allergy issues so maybe that was the problem. Things actually got worse for us at that time and just a few days ago seem to have gotten better (4 months & 1 week).

But it was even harder because I was soooo looking forward to 3 months.

So...every baby is different. Hopefully you will see the light at 3 months but don't be discouraged if you don't.

Good luck Chat Icon

Posted 11/20/05 11:28 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: the three month mark

Christopher was so good from the beginning. He slept through the night starting at 1 month and after we switched to Gentlease, his gas and potty issues were resolved. So, when the 3-month mark rolled around, there honestly wasn't much of a difference in his behavior at all, aside from him smiling more.

Posted 11/20/05 11:34 AM

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