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Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

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Mom of 3

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Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

Lindsay Lohan's mother, Dina Lohan, says "there is only so much a child can take" in response to a studio executive's charge that the 19-year-old star was "irresponsible and unprofessional" when she didn't show up for work on her movie Georgia Rule.

In a letter delivered to Lindsay on Thursday, James G. Robinson, CEO of Morgan Creek Productions, scolded her for calling in sick on Wednesday to the set. "We are well aware that your ongoing all-night heavy partying is the real reason for your so-called 'exhaustion,' " he wrote.

"My daughter is a wonderful child," Dina Lohan tells PEOPLE, saying of the attention paid to what has transpired between Lindsay and Robinson: "This is too much."

As it is, Lindsay – who was briefly hospitalized early Wednesday morning for being "overheated and dehydrated," according to her rep – has returned to work and made Robinson happy, he tells trade publication the Hollywood Reporter.

Yet as the dust was still settling, Dina Lohan fumed about Robinson in an interview set to air Monday on TV's Access Hollywood, saying the exec was "way out of line" for scolding her daughter.

"Maybe he has personal issues with whomever, and it came out with my child. I don't know him. I can't judge him. I don't think it was a smart thing to do to a young girl," Dina tells the show.

Speaking to PEOPLE about her remarks to Access, Dina Lohan says, "It's so ridiculous, that I'm over it. … Basically, I have no comment about the letter."

Describing the circumstances that she said led up to the incident, "On the set it was 105 degrees," she tells PEOPLE. "And she has bronchial asthma – so any extreme heat or cold, she can't breathe."

On top of which, says her mom, Lindsay "was wearing winter clothes and she was telling people, 'I need water, I need water.' And they just want to get the shot, want to get the shot."

The elder Lohan said Lindsay was physically affected "after she had left (the set) and went home."

Speaking to Access, Dina said, "I'm a mother and will do what I need to do to protect my child. … She's a human being. There was one day when she was late, and they (director Garry Marshall and costar Jane Fonda) worked the schedule around her. Garry, Jane, everybody loves her."

And now, apparently, so does Robinson. "I've never had a minute's trouble with her. She's every inch a lady," the film executive told the Hollywood Reporter on Friday. "I felt I needed to remind her of her obligations to show up."

Robinson informed the Reporter that Lohan returned to work on Thursday without incident. As for why he took the step of writing the letter – which then became public after its posting on the Smoking Gun Web site – Robinson said: "I'm just trying to get the movie made. I did what I felt I needed to do on behalf of the movie and on behalf of her, too. I wanted to set some limits."

Besides, according to Robinson, "It was not a nasty letter. It was, 'Come on be a professional.' We're halfway through with six weeks to go. There's no turning back. I wrote the letter; it was from me, not some damn attorney. She showed up. That's all I cared about."

Going Robinson one better, Dina Lohan told Access of her daughter's work in Georgia Rule: "She will win an Academy Award for this picture. ... Justice!"

Poor Lindsay. Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/06 11:35 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

How about she's 19 and her mom shouldn't be condoning her wild behavior or underage drinking. And if you need Mommy to come rescue you, you really are a BABY.

Posted 7/31/06 1:46 PM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

4680 total posts


Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

If she'd been so 'exhausted' and her asthma bothered her so much,then why has she been photographed at a different restaurant or club EVERY night?
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Academy Award Chat Icon

Message edited 7/31/2006 3:14:45 PM.

Posted 7/31/06 3:14 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

I am totally behind in reading the paper - but she was front page news on Saturday!!! I'm sure her mom was mortified, but lord knows worse things have been printed about her!

Posted 7/31/06 4:52 PM

Waste not, want not

Member since 6/06

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Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma

Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

Oh Please!!

Lindsay is not a "child" as her mom keeps saying. She's 19. She's an adult. She's not six years old. She's been working in this industry for years...she knows what's expected of her.

She also made $7.5 MILLION on her last film (Just My Luck). That's a pretty large "adult-size" salary if you ask me.

Heck, if I showed up late, was moody, and leaving work as often as she does because she "doesn't feel well", I'd get fired.

I have asthma too, but I also need my paycheck, so I make sure I take the proper medicine in order for me to get my work done.

Please. Grow up Lindsay...and eat something.

Posted 7/31/06 5:31 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

She sucks

Posted 7/31/06 8:23 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

Dear Mrs. Lohan,

De-nial ain't just a river in Egypt!!!

Everyone knows your daughter is a druggie but you

P.S. Apparently, like father, like daughterChat Icon

Posted 7/31/06 8:40 PM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

1151 total posts


Re: Lindsay's Mom Tries To Protect Her

Lindsay and her mom are both LOSERS!!

Posted 8/1/06 10:42 AM
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