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PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

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PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

Was diagnosed last month with PCOS – still working my way up to 2000mg per day (next week will be at full dose). I figured I would wait a cycle or 2 before going to Clomid to see if my body kicks in naturally. How long did you wait before adding Clomid to the mix?

Also you need to take Clomid on the first 5 days after AF right?

Posted 6/30/06 9:15 AM
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Re: PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

I did things backwards and was on Clomid first. I did three Clomid cycles where I actually ovulated, then on the 4th cycle my body didn't respond to it at all.

Then I started seeing an RE and went on Metformin for a month, ovulated on my own, but still really late, and then started Clomid the next month.

Clomid usage varies. My OBGYN had me take it on days 5-9 of my cycle. But my RE has me take it on days 3-7 of my cycle. It just depends on your doc.

Posted 6/30/06 9:28 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

My second RE put me on Metformin. We did one cycle just with Metformin, I ovulated on my own 1500mg (but I had a previous 4 month build up of Clomid in my system). I didn't ovulkate until day 25... too late.

Next month I did Metformin with Femara, ovulated a bit earlier, day 18???, IUI, but BFN

Posted 6/30/06 10:11 AM

I am Batman!

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Re: PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

Well, at this point, I don't know if anything we've done is necessarily right, but I went on Metformin and ovulated on my own the first month. But I ovulated late and my LP was short, so I went on clomid--which might not have been the right move.

Posted 6/30/06 10:19 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

339 total posts


Re: PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

Ok, forgive me as i don't have my books with me - so last month i ov'd on day 27 on my own...this is too late to get preg??

Posted 6/30/06 11:21 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: PCOS – how long from Metformin to Clomid

Posted by tjspidur1

Ok, forgive me as i don't have my books with me - so last month i ov'd on day 27 on my own...this is too late to get preg??

Well, the longer in the cycle it takes the egg to ovulate, for lack of a better term, the "more stale" it is so there are studied that suggest they are not as viable for pregnancy. I could swear that on my 3rd IUI I was getting some pretty serious symptoms of being PG, then around day 9-10 DPO, I woke up and it was as if a lot changed. I have a gut feeling that it did fertilize and possibly implanted for a couple of days but because the egg was a bit "stale" it didn't implant permanently.
When I mentioned it to my RE he confirmed the theory.

I remember reading something about this but I can't remember the source.

Just something you may want to check with your doctor.

Posted 6/30/06 4:19 PM

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