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For those not finding out the sex of your baby

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Our family is complete, maybe

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For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I know we all want healty babies above all else.....but do you have a preference as to whether you have a boy or a girl? In a perfect world, I would want a Chat Icon first , then a Chat Icon

How about you?

Posted 8/24/06 8:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I just posted my guilt about this yesterday. We don't want to find out but I really want a girl. I also have a strong girl feeling. DH has it as well.

Posted 8/24/06 9:10 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I feel all boy. In a perfect world, I would love 3 of the same sex. Either all girls or all boys. I love that family dynamic.

DH feels girl. I think he feels gulity for saying boy outloud in case its not. I know he would be slightly happier with boy.

Posted 8/24/06 9:42 AM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I would prefer a girl but I figure that since I want a total of 3 children altogether (2 boys and a girl) Since I already have my boy if I have another one technically I'm still not off track!Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:09 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I didn't find out, but really wanted a girl deep down inside, yet I was concinced I was having a boy.

Needless to say I was extremely excited when they announced she was a girl in the operating room!

Posted 8/24/06 10:10 AM

needs to update her avatar pic

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I "feel" like I am having a boy. Part of me really hopes it is a boy since boys are so much more cuddly with their mommies Chat Icon . Another part of me really wants a girl since the girl stuff is so much cuter.
As you can see, I really don't have a preference! My mother is EXTREMELY vocal in hoping i am having a girl though. She already has 2 grandsons so she would love a little girl. Shs did promise me though that she won't love a little boy any less Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 1:24 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

In an ideal world I would love one of each with the boy coming first. I like the idea of a girl having an older brother to watch over her. (I have an older brother myself Chat Icon )

Posted 8/24/06 1:55 PM

My girls!!

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

I would love to have a girl then a boy! Only bc my whole family is 2 girls then a boy, hope it sticks with me that way!

Posted 8/24/06 1:58 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/06

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

If you truly don't want to know, do not find out the's very easy to determine from the heartrate. I knew my son's heartrate at each visit and then accidentally read how to determine the sex based off of that...I was bummed.

In the future, I will have them write it down so I have the record for me later...but I do not want to know the rate as I know which extremes mean which...granted, my son was on the extreme end...if your baby is more in the middle, this "method" wouldn't help you anyway.

Posted 8/24/06 2:10 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

Posted by allgrownup

If you truly don't want to know, do not find out the's very easy to determine from the heartrate. I knew my son's heartrate at each visit and then accidentally read how to determine the sex based off of that...I was bummed.

In the future, I will have them write it down so I have the record for me later...but I do not want to know the rate as I know which extremes mean which...granted, my son was on the extreme end...if your baby is more in the middle, this "method" wouldn't help you anyway.

This is not true. My son's heartrate was all over the place, as is this one. Their heartrate varies per visit. Everyone I know said the same thing.

I found out with my son, and that was what I wantedChat Icon We are not finding out this time and I would love another little boy, but would be just as happy with a little girlChat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 2:16 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

DH is convinced its a boy Chat Icon
But regardless he has a lifetime of fishing expeditions (even if its a girl, she will be baiting her own hook and learn how to gut a fish) all figured out haha.

I think a boy would be great, because all our siblings have girls, and it would be nice to finally bring another boy around.. But of course, a girl would be fun too!

When we refer to the baby, we just pick 'he', instead of saying 'it', so I don't feel like I'm growing some alien. But we do switch it up occasionally just to see if people are paying attention ha ha. Esp since everyone thinks that we are having a girl based on apparently how I'm carrying lol.

Posted 8/24/06 3:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: For those not finding out the sex of your baby

Posted by Stacey1403

Posted by allgrownup

If you truly don't want to know, do not find out the's very easy to determine from the heartrate. I knew my son's heartrate at each visit and then accidentally read how to determine the sex based off of that...I was bummed.

In the future, I will have them write it down so I have the record for me later...but I do not want to know the rate as I know which extremes mean which...granted, my son was on the extreme end...if your baby is more in the middle, this "method" wouldn't help you anyway.

This is not true. My son's heartrate was all over the place, as is this one. Their heartrate varies per visit. Everyone I know said the same thing.

I found out with my son, and that was what I wantedChat Icon We are not finding out this time and I would love another little boy, but would be just as happy with a little girlChat Icon

I agree...heartrate has absolutely no bearing on gender...when they are sleeping the heartrate can be 120/130 and 140/150 and up when Chat Icon heartrate would vary from 130-170 throughout the whole pregancy. Just an old wives tale although I was curious about it as well!

Message edited 8/24/2006 3:36:11 PM.

Posted 8/24/06 3:35 PM

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