Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
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The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
I am currently taking my last pack of BCP, and due to get my period July 4. FH (he will be DH by then) and I want to start TTC right away. Is it possible to conceive right away?
I work for a podiatrist, who is currently PG, and asked her gyno if it was "bad" to get PG the first month off BCP and her Dr said no, just had an increased chance of twins.
I just wonder if it's possible to get PG, b/c I have seen some posts on here about waiting for your cycles to regulate.
Sorry, this is ALL so new to me!
Posted 6/13/06 5:53 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
I am pretty sure the reason why most doctors prefer a couple waits is to be able to identify if there are any problems in a woman's cycle such as the inability to ovulate or if she is simply irregular. By waiting, it makes it easier to detect where the problems may be if any.
As for twins, i heard there are more chances with an increase intake of dairy foods. Great. I love cheese AND twins already run in my family!
Posted 6/13/06 5:58 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
From my doctor, the only reasoning in waiting is that your body may not ovulate right away; taking a cycle or two to regulate itself. Lots of women get pregnant within a week or two of coming off the pill. Nowaways, the hormonal dosages are so low, they don't effect your body for long period of time.
Posted 6/13/06 6:00 PM |

Member since 5/06 1687 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
My mom's very good friend got PG right after going off the pill and had twins...I dont think there is any medical reason to wait.
Posted 6/13/06 6:35 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
it's possible
Posted 6/13/06 9:00 PM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: Sorry if this has been asked but... Is it possible to get PG right after getting off BCP??
YES. Some women are very futile after going off BCP. (I've read a number of posts relating to women who got PG very easily after going off.) But for other women, it takes a while for them to start ovulating again.
Posted 6/13/06 9:04 PM |
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