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Speaking of baby clothing that doesn't fit....

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Speaking of baby clothing that doesn't fit....

I have TONS of clothes with tags on them for Ava, but they won't fit her for the right season. For example, I have tons of 6 month summer clothes that people gave me. I need some help figuring out where to return them/exchange them. I don't even care if I only get a couple of dollars for them, I just need to get rid of them, they're taking up SO much space. I'd say I have close to 20 outfits I don't need.
They are:
Just One Year, by Carter's
First Moments Newborn
Beall'sChat Icon
George Baby Organic
Child of Mine by Carters
First Impressions
And the rest are all regular Carter's.

Can I return all the different types of Carter's outfits to the same store? I'm totally lost on this one. TIA!

Posted 8/28/06 12:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: Speaking of baby clothing that doesn't fit....

The differetn carters names, are at different stores. I would bring stuff back and exchange for a bigger size, one that they might be in later, since I hated getting a dollar for an outfit.

Posted 8/28/06 12:18 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Speaking of baby clothing that doesn't fit....

Or as a last resort, maybe sell the clothes on Ebay.

Posted 8/28/06 12:20 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Speaking of baby clothing that doesn't fit....

Just on Year is by Carters-Target I think
Child of Mine by Carter's-Walmart
Beall's is a store down here in the South
Carter's anything you can take back to the outlet and exchange! Someone bought me their crib mattress padding and it got destroyed in the dryer and the outlet told me I can still bring it back!

ETA first moments-Kohl's

Message edited 8/28/2006 12:32:48 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 12:32 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Speaking of baby clothing that doesn't fit....

Thanks Shana! I live right near the Carter's outlet, so maybe I'll go there. I really don't care if I only get a couplr of dollars for them because they're just sitting here anyway.

Posted 8/28/06 12:41 PM

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