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Some Help with Solids

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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Some Help with Solids

We are slowly trying to introduce solids to Miranda. She had no interest in cereal so I waited a week and tried pears yesterday and today and she did pretty well. The ped. OK'd some fruits because of her constipation. I would rather fruits than more medication for her.
So my question is I know that banannas and apples can be constipating so I am not going to use those. What other fruits can I try?
What about sweet potatoes and other vegetables? When did you try those.
I know you are supposed to try only one thing at a time for 3 days and then try something new. So my question is. If I have pears and mangoes mixed and she's done fine on pears can I try that combo or do I need to try something without pears?
Or can I try mixing pears with some cereal. Does that count as something new or again does it have to not contain pears to be a new trial.

Posted 2/17/06 12:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Some Help with Solids

My ped always said veggies before fruits. Peas are a good one, carrots, sweet potatoes have always been a hit, corn (that will DEF loosen her up), squash, mashed avocado, mango, etc.

and yes, you can try and mix the cereal with some fruit. I did that with the carrots with my kids because they hated carrots and the only way I could get them to eat it was if I mixed it with something sweet.

Posted 2/17/06 12:48 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: Some Help with Solids

For Michael - I did each cereal per week (rice, oatmeal and then barley) - then we did fruits and then veggies.

Since she likes pears and there has been no reaction, you can mix it with cereal or another fruit (I'd give the new fruit a chance alone - JMO) - but if you mix it and she happens to get a reaction you'll know what it's from - don't give her more than one new food per day.

The only other fruits I can think of are peaches and apricots that are in a jar.

Posted 2/17/06 12:49 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Some Help with Solids

I started EMily on plain rice which she didn't like and also it made her constipated so I started mixing rice with apples and did that for 2 weeks before trying anything new, since I did it before my doctor told me.

Now she has oatmeal, rice, apples, pears, bananas and peaches, and we tried sweet potatoes for the first tiem today.

I always mix a cereal with her fruit, because I think she actually likes it more when it is thick.

I think it's okay to mix rice or oatmeal once you've done the pears on thier own for 3 days, but I did'nt even wait -- I just automatically mixed it.

Posted 2/18/06 2:57 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Some Help with Solids

Hayley has had pears, peaches, bananna will try applesauce in the next few days. As far as veggies she has had green beans, sweet potato's, squash and just started carrots today. There isn't much of a variety of stage 1 foods, stage 2 foods has more of a variety.

For cereal she has only had oatmeal.

Posted 2/18/06 3:27 PM

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