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Does anyone have any ideas to help us get some sleep at night??

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LIF Toddler

Member since 10/05

472 total posts


Does anyone have any ideas to help us get some sleep at night??

Regis, our 9 week old kitty keeps us up ALL night...we are going on 2 weeks now with-out not one full night sleep.

We tried playing with him for hours before we go to sleep to wear him out - which is good...he'll sleep for about 2 hours then wake up and thinks it playtime.

We tried keeping him outside out bedroom...but he jumps, straches and meows NON stop at the door.

He refuses not to be in our bed with us at night, which we dont mind - if he slept...he is running around the bed, biting us, play swating us, climbing all over us...i just want to get some sleep Chat Icon Chat Icon

Any suggestions?Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 10:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any ideas to help us get some sleep at night??

I wish I could offer you some helpful advice cuz it’s hard when you have a kitten. They cry a lot…Ralphie is 4 months old, I don’t know if that is considered a kitten or young cat he cries too sometimes….One of my best friend’s cat used to cry all the time when he was a kitten and there wasn’t much they could do but play with him a little but then he would cry again when they went to sleep.

We don’t allow Ralphie into our bedroom under no circumstances. If we do it once he will expect us to do it all the time and start crying. Have you tried giving him a little milk? DH does that with Ralphie sometimes if he cries. He gives him very little milk. Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn’t.

DH’s old cat Lucy, who was 8 year’s old when he first got her, used to cry a lot when we all moved in together after we got married and she was an old cat too…she was 16 years old at the time. See the thing was that when DH had his old apt. he let her go everywhere including his bedroom so she was very used to sleeping with him and when she got to the new apt. all of a sudden she couldn’t sleep in the bedroom with him and she cried every night for like a month or two. It was stressful, I know how you feel….DH would get up a couple of times to give her milk or cheese (don’t ask but she loved cheese for some reason) but then he said that if he kept doing it she wouldn’t learn so eventually he just let her cry at night (which was so hard for him to do) she got the hint and never cried again, only if her bowl was empty.

Posted 10/14/05 11:36 AM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any ideas to help us get some sleep at night??

you have fm

Posted 10/14/05 12:04 PM

She's here!

Member since 5/05

1769 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any ideas to help us get some sleep at night??

When our cat was little, he used to do the same thing. What we used to do was feed him before bed in stead of in the morning. We would also play with him a lot before bed. This seemed to work. He used to wake us up in the middle of the night, I think he must of have been hungry.

Posted 10/14/05 7:35 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Does anyone have any ideas to help us get some sleep at night??

Yeah we always play with Ralphie a little before we go to bed.

Posted 10/17/05 10:06 AM

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