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Telling people...

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LIF Infant

Member since 4/06

188 total posts


Telling people...

I am only 6 weeks along, but I have a lot of functions coming up where drinking is involved, and I usually partake. I feel like it will be obvious if I don't drink at all of these events. I'm not sure whether to tell people that I am pregnant or just fake being sick or something. I had wanted to wait until my doctor appt. (8 weeks) to tell, but now I'm not sure. Any advice?

Posted 6/8/06 10:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

Fake drinking - I walked around with red wine at a few events - DH either drank it while no one was looking or I poured it out.

Posted 6/8/06 10:06 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/06

188 total posts


Re: Telling people...

That was what I was planning to do. Thanks. I just think my friends will see through it! But, hopefully not.

Posted 6/8/06 10:16 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Telling people...

I did make the mistake by ordering a cranberry juice (thinking it would look like red wine...which it did not). My SIL asked me how my Shirley Temple was! Chat Icon Chat Icon So order the real thing. Otherwise, I think I did a good job of pretending to drink when others were around. Good luck!

Posted 6/8/06 10:20 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Telling people...

or you can walk around with coke, cranberrry juice or 7up.

Say its __________ and vodka. or rum and coke.

I did that at a Christmas party this year and no one knew the difference.

Posted 6/9/06 6:19 AM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Telling people...

Very easy to fake it and if people are questioning it, they won't have the guts to say anythign to you until after you let them know. We had a wedding and a few parties in between the times of knowing and telling people and i just held a beer bottle in my hand during the wedding (with DH switching it up with his after he would drink half) and having a wine next to me while i ate and taking small sips. Of course after we told 1 or 2 people they claimed they thought so, but no one said anything directly to me.

Posted 6/9/06 8:03 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

Oh one other thing - this was my thinking...If people think they know and something happens then they were wrong. If people think they know and everything turns out to be ok, then they were right. I didn't care if people guessed as long as they didn't say anything (which most people really would never!). Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 8:07 AM

I am Batman!

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Re: Telling people...

You could always just say your on medication--antibiotic or something.

Posted 6/9/06 8:09 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Telling people...

Posted by kra5hnburn

You could always just say your on medication--antibiotic or something.

yes..that is a good idea!

Posted 6/9/06 8:48 AM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

Posted by kra5hnburn

You could always just say your on medication--antibiotic or something.

That's what I did. No one suspected a thing.

Posted 6/9/06 8:59 AM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

I drank club soda with a twist of lime, or cranberry juice with a twist. Always add the fruit and people will think it's a mixed drink.

Posted 6/9/06 9:12 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

I don't really drink as it is, but I went to a weddding and didn't tell anyone yet.

Basically, I didn't deny chanpagne, wine, etc and poured it into DH's glass when no one was around.

You'd be surprised how little people care about what you're actually drinking. They only notice if you say "no, thanks."

Posted 6/9/06 9:38 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Telling people...

Posted by kra5hnburn

You could always just say your on medication--antibiotic or something.

I do this not because I am PG (cuz I am not) but just when I do not feel like drinkingChat Icon It totally works!

Posted 6/9/06 10:28 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Telling people...

I did both fake drinking (I'd secretly pass it to my DH to sip when noone was looking so everyone thought I was drinking it.) or I'd say I wasn't feeling well. That back fired once b/c my brother went around telling everyone at my cousins wedding that I had the runs!!!

Posted 6/9/06 10:38 AM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

Just stick a stirrer in your glass, no one will know the difference.

Posted 6/9/06 10:40 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Telling people...

I did the fake drinking thing in the beginning. my cousin did it ather it right and no one will know Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 11:35 AM

Me and the guys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling people...

Yeah, not drinking gave it away for me. I work as a bartender and my co-worker asked me to taste test the drink she had made and shoved it under my nose. I very abrubtly said no and that stared the questions.Chat Icon

I am going to a rehersal dinner and wedding tonight and plan on drinking cran and soda. I'll just tell people that it has vodka in it.

Message edited 6/9/2006 12:22:53 PM.

Posted 6/9/06 12:22 PM

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