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Pushy family members

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Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Pushy family members

All of DH's family is out of state and some of my family is too. They all want to come and stay with us after the babies are born. I know I am going to need alot of help, but i do have family that lives locally that will be of more "help" to me, rather than having to feel i need to entertain 24/7. The locals know where to go food shopping, etc, where as i feel that the out of towners would just be coming to ooh and ahh over the babies and not really help me, but create more work. MIL is an example. I know she is dying to come up and "help" after they are born. I wouldnt mind her coming up but i need a break after a while. I do not want her and her husband (dh's stepfather) to stay with us, but in a hotel. DH's stepfather is really really weird and i dont want him near the babies. What would he be doing all day in my house??? Another thing is that my MIL does not drive and if she comes up, its a definite that he is coming with her.
I am also planning on breastfeeding and dont want the world seeing my bb's.

Anyone else have this situation? Please help!!!

Posted 6/26/06 8:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: Pushy family members

I would let people know that while you appreciate the offer, you really need to spend the first couple of weeks alone as a family. Then let them know that when they do visit they need to stay at a hotel because it is too overwhelming for you to have visitors. Speak up and if they don't understand well too badChat Icon You have to keep yourself and your little ones happyChat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 8:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: Pushy family members

to some extent yes! But my mother realized our place was too small and made arrangements to stay in a hotel.

Posted 6/26/06 8:30 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Pushy family members

Posted by Stacey1403

I would let people know that while you appreciate the offer, you really need to spend the first couple of weeks alone as a family. Then let them know that when they do visit they need to stay at a hotel because it is too overwhelming for you to have visitors. Speak up and if they don't understand well too badChat Icon You have to keep yourself and your little ones happyChat Icon

I totally agree with this! And don't forget you will have one very bored, eager to help, out of work future mother of twins coming over every day! Chat Icon

I would say to them that the doctors don't really want people around them the first couple of days- buy yourself the first week or two, at least for them staying over, then after that you may want them staying with you...maybe your basement?

Posted 6/26/06 8:44 PM

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