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Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

My little one insists on staying awake all day and at night it makes him cranky. Eventually he falls asleep and will sleep for 5 1/2 sometimes 6 hours.

But during the day he will not sleep. He falls asleep in my arms a lot, which is spoiling him but I don't know what else to do.

He may take catnaps sometime during the day which lasts 1/2 hour sometimes. Or if I have him in my arms I have to wait a good 15 mins or he will get right back up.

Message edited 6/17/2006 1:48:38 PM.

Posted 6/17/06 1:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

My newborn didn't but now he is 5 months he can go for most of the day without a nap, or with 2/3 10 minute naps! My philosophy is this...if he sleeps all night, who cares if he naps or not! But I would like a minute to make myself a cup of tea or to go to the bathroom or something! He will fall asleep in my arms, but only for a little bit and if god forbid I move a muscle, thats it! He's up!

Posted 6/17/06 3:40 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Posted by racheeeee

My newborn didn't but now he is 5 months he can go for most of the day without a nap, or with 2/3 10 minute naps! My philosophy is this...if he sleeps all night, who cares if he naps or not! But I would like a minute to make myself a cup of tea or to go to the bathroom or something! He will fall asleep in my arms, but only for a little bit and if god forbid I move a muscle, thats it! He's up!

Yeah I always have to wait a good 10-15 mins if he falls asleep in my arms, to put him down.

Posted 6/17/06 5:33 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Sounds like Katie exactly. Its a pain in the neck when you have stuff to do like laundry and clean bottles and stuff and they only sleep for 10 mins at a time. I hope its just a phase because she used to take nice naps for me.

Posted 6/17/06 6:12 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Posted by MrsJ

Sounds like Katie exactly. Its a pain in the neck when you have stuff to do like laundry and clean bottles and stuff and they only sleep for 10 mins at a time. I hope its just a phase because she used to take nice naps for me.

I hope it's just a phase, but by 7 weeks wouldn't she have outgrown it by now? Is she fussy at night?

I don't know what to do about this situation.

He did actually have a 2 hour nap today.

Posted 6/17/06 7:21 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Our little is mainly up all day with maybe a few cat naps 10 - 15 minutes... The only time she really naps for a longer period is after I nurse her 1st thing in the morning around 6 - 7 am then she naps for about an hour or so...

Posted 6/17/06 7:36 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Message edited 2/8/2007 12:27:03 PM.

Posted 6/17/06 7:44 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

When my dd was a newborn she also would only nap in my arms and I was worried that she would get spoiled and not be able to nap without me. That was not the case. Now she is 5 months old and still not a good napper and hardly ever falls asleep on me. I actually kind of miss that part. Chat Icon

When I had things I had to do I would but dd in the baby bjorn and she would usually fall alseep in it. It truly was my lifesaver.

Posted 6/17/06 8:00 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Posted by anon

my Chat Icon has the opposite issue, she is UP ALL NIGHT! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i'd gladly trade places Chat Icon

I was just thinking the same thing.
Shouldnt we be happy if the babies are up all day? Its better than when they get their days and nights mixed up.

Giovanna-is he fussy or crying all day? or is he just awake? I thought they SHOULD Be up all day and get used to the pattern of sleep at night, dark, no lights, quiet house etc. Ive heard of the keep noises and lights going all day just to keep them awake too.

So whats bothering you that he's up all day ?

It'll take getting used to, whatever the case

Chat Icon

Posted 6/18/06 12:24 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Posted by anna

Posted by anon

my Chat Icon has the opposite issue, she is UP ALL NIGHT! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i'd gladly trade places Chat Icon

I was just thinking the same thing.
Shouldnt we be happy if the babies are up all day? Its better than when they get their days and nights mixed up.

Giovanna-is he fussy or crying all day? or is he just awake? I thought they SHOULD Be up all day and get used to the pattern of sleep at night, dark, no lights, quiet house etc. Ive heard of the keep noises and lights going all day just to keep them awake too.

So whats bothering you that he's up all day ?

It'll take getting used to, whatever the case

Chat Icon

What bothers me more is if he is up then I'll put him down in a bouncy seat or the carseat but then he'll start to cry that he wants to be picked up and held. I hope I am not spoiling him by having him fall asleep in my all the time.

Posted 6/18/06 12:21 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: Does anyone else's newborn stay awake all day?

Andrew only slept about 7 hours a day (off and on during day and at night) for 6 months. And that was mostly while being held by me. I would transfer him into his crib after I thought he was sound asleep though.

I used to hate hearing about how newborns averaged 16-20 hours of sleep a day. But by 6 months he was sleeping 9+ hours through the night and taking two 1-2 hour naps.

Posted 6/19/06 9:41 AM

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