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MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

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wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

so nobody called me back the first day or nightChat Icon ...I went two full days of second guessing any food and portion sizes I ate (and literally re-hearing the dr.'s comments replaying in my head the whole time as hard as I tried not to let them) ....

well, yesterday while I was at work (its a camp and I don't answer my cell phone just have it for emergencies!) I saw a # I didn't know on the caller id; but certainly wasn't going to answer it b/c I thought it might have been the dr calling me back and I don't feel its professional or responsible to take the call when there's kids around and I knew I would probably be upset talking about I checked the message when I got off work and....Chat Icon Chat Icon it was (ironically!) the same woman who works there who made the first hurtful comment before the Dr. calling me back to see "what I wanted to talk to Dr. X about exactly so she could tell her before passing along my msg"! Chat Icon Chat Icon She asked me to call back before 4 since they close by that time..of course, I got it after it was pointless, but my original msg explicitly stated I had some concerns about my appt the night before and wanted to speak DIRECTLY with the Dr about them - um, doesn't that mean I don't want to have to always tell someone else the whole story before I can talk to the Dr (this happened once before when I had questions about cpc's - I had to explain the whole thing to the person who answered the call!) was mortifying and depressing enough that I had to endure it between the Dr, my dh and myself in the exam rm and now I have to tell this woman how I felt and relive it too before the Dr will even attempt to call me back??? (I know some girls have wonderful exp. here with her but mine is not so "much" one of them anymore!!! Chat Icon )

At my dh's insistence I called the woman who ran our childbirth class, because she made a big pt of telling us she was always there for us if we needed her or had questions and would love to help if she could, so we took her up on it....I thought maybe I would be able to leave a msg but she answered so I explained that I had a situation and we thought maybe she could help us or shed insight into it since she has been in the delivery rm for years! (and we, in thinking about it now, also realized she had all these complimentary things to say about all the drs of the people in the class but ours at the class...initially we thought nothing of it but then dh said "what if its b/c of stuff like this? she would see it and know..", plus I figured she could offer some insight since this is our first pregnancy and we don't know any better...)

so she talked to me for about a half hr...and she is so caring and not so many words, she said she has definitely seen what I meant and went through happen and that if I had concerns (and she thought they were more than valid) she might recommend changing at this pt - she recommended a few people who deliver at the same hospital and reminded me that I should be reveling in my pregnancy not upset since its not good for me or our lil Chat Icon ...I was so glad I spoke to her b/c it really lifted my spirits...she made my weekend and I smiled for the first real time in two days (not counting at work where the kids were cute and helped me somewhat keep my mind off it!)...and when I smiled I meant it...I wished I could have jumped through the phone and hugged her!

She also explained while she isn't a Dr. she thought that since I work outside and try to keep as hydrated as possible (which knock on wood has not been a prob at all!) even though I haven't swelled up at all I could be retaining water still and that since it was a one time thing and not a repeated pattern, it happens to everyone at diff pts. so I shouldn't be too concerned about the weight gain

dh was so glad b/c in his words "it was so nice to have me back and happy" - I should add he also had come home with a dozen roses to cheer me up (I do love him so much!!!!Chat Icon )

so on Monday we will begin calling some of the recc's that we got (we like on in particular having heard of him before) and they should be able to help us in figuring out how we will be awkward for me still if I ever run into my old Dr. but I think its for the best for us right now.....

thank you from the bottom of my (and dh's) hearts for all your kind words and support and fms! sorry to have written so much!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/15/2006 10:07:14 AM.

Posted 7/15/06 9:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: so an update from my last dr's visit issues...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Glad you are feel better, good luck in your search! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/06 9:54 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

I don't know where you live but my Dr's are Personal Women's Care in Smithtown. There are two male Dr's they are both older and I went through a MC with them and they have helped me a lot. I never wanted to go to a man before but I swear after having an internal there i wondered why? It was probably the least uncomfortable physically I have ever felt during that procedure.

Posted 7/15/06 11:39 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

thanks....I am going to look at two that a little closer and associated with St Charles first, but its good to have in mind!!! I am so glad you were able to have a supportive dr help you....I always thought I wanted a woman b/c she would be more "sensitive" and I would be more comfy....guess the jokes on me kinda! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/06 11:49 AM

My guys

Member since 5/06

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Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

I'm sorry for the crap you had to deal with. I see a really great Dr. in Pt. Jeff who is affiliated with St. Charles. I delivered my DS there and will be again in Dec. If you want any info, FM me. I absolutely love the Dr., PA and nurse practioner there. After 5 years, I have NO complaints at all. Good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/06 12:47 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

I'm sorry that you went through all that, but I'm glad that you made the decision to switch. You need to feel comfortable with both your doctor and the staff at the office. Let us know how everything works out with the switch! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/06 2:50 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

I am so glad you are switching for many reasons-
The receptionist has no need to know about your business- you made it very clear that you wanted to speak to the doctor. Hello, doesn't she understand confidentiality?????

Even if you had a real weight issue( which you DO NOT) he did not handle it appropriately. I don't think you can learn bedside manner.

I know the switch may be time consuming but definately in your best interests. And don't worry about it being awkward- I would LOVE to run into my old doctor and tell her exactly why I left her care. It would make my day.

Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/06 2:59 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

I also think its a good idea that you are switching. You shouldnt be made to feel like that durning your pregnancy. Good luck with your search.

Posted 7/15/06 3:51 PM

Our family

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

Glad to hear you're happier Deirdre!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/15/06 6:23 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

Glad to hear you are doing better and I think finding a new dr. is best for you.

Posted 7/15/06 7:52 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

good luck in your dr search!Chat Icon

Posted 7/16/06 8:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

Let me know if you need any help!! Good Luck.

Posted 7/16/06 8:50 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

In my opinion doctors should be doing everything in thier power to attend to the needs of pregnant women -- so I understand your switching. Good luck in your search!

Posted 7/16/06 9:28 PM


Member since 3/06

2018 total posts


Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

Posted by CkGm

I am so glad you are switching for many reasons-
The receptionist has no need to know about your business- you made it very clear that you wanted to speak to the doctor. Hello, doesn't she understand confidentiality?????

Even if you had a real weight issue( which you DO NOT) he did not handle it appropriately. I don't think you can learn bedside manner.

I know the switch may be time consuming but definately in your best interests. And don't worry about it being awkward- I would LOVE to run into my old doctor and tell her exactly why I left her care. It would make my day.

Chat Icon

This is totally against the HIPPA privacy act!!! No one is to know anything about your health issues except your doctors/health care workers who give you immediate health care!!!

We are so strict about this at work--- an authorization is needed even for relatives of patients to find out health information of that patient!

Best wishes in the future!

Posted 7/16/06 10:10 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

10212 total posts

Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: MY UPDATE (from my last dr's visit issues...)

Best of luck to you. Chat Icon Chat Icon . The woman was right, this should be the happiest time for you, not full of sadness.

Posted 7/17/06 10:39 AM

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