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winter babies

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Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


winter babies

I have a question. I am due February 22 but know c-section will be the week before. Anyway besides the take home outfit what should I put the baby in if I have the Bundle Me for the car seat? I have a hat although its lightweight (cotton), Do I need to dress her extra warm in a bunting and the bundle me?

Posted 12/29/05 9:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: winter babies

I delivered my daughter on 2/22. Chat Icon

We took her home in a sweater and sweater pants outfit with a long sleeve t shirt and socks underneath. We had a hat on her. I didn't use the Bundle me, I had her wrapped in a heavy blanket that we took off in the car since we had the heat on.

Posted 12/29/05 9:25 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: winter babies

We are bringing him home in this thick fleece outerwear onesie that will go over his regular onesie. This thing is so warm I wish I had one!

Posted 12/29/05 9:34 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: winter babies

Thank you. This is my second child, Sammy was born May 29th so I didnt have a problem with the weather. Anyway, as some will see you don't spend what you spent on your first to bring the baby home in. No one sees them. I did get a very cute carters stretchie a bit warmer than cotton- its like the terry cloth material. I was planning on that with a hat and the bundle me. Is that good or do need the a sweater? I am staying away from Denny's Childrenware for fear I will buy something else way to expensive

Posted 12/29/05 9:39 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: winter babies

I think with the bundle me that's fine. It's a quick trip from the hospital door to your car and I assume from your car into your house. Maybe throw a blanket over the car seat when you are outside if it's really cold. I mean who would think it would be almost 50 degrees at the end of December?

Posted 12/29/05 9:47 PM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

2427 total posts


Re: winter babies

I am using her little outfit, hat, and the bundle me, I will bring bunting just in case but we don't live far from the hospital...

Posted 12/30/05 11:59 AM

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