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ok question about shots for newborns..

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

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ok question about shots for newborns..

im looking into pediatricians at this point and my mil told me to ask the doctor about the MMR shot..i guess measles mumps rebella? (im new at thisChat Icon ). she told me that they give that shot all in one..but i should ask the pediatrician if they can do it separtate because there is no mercury in the shots given separately..she heard about this from people at her work..should i be concerned about this mercury stuff? she never had it done with my dh and brothers but she said its bad for the baby..I HATE HOW PEOPLE KNOW TOO MUCH..all this nerve wracking stuff..should i make it a point not to get this shot all in one? thanks for your help!!

Posted 5/26/06 12:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

My pediatrician will break it up if you want, but they use an MMR vaccine that does not have thimerisol in it, which is mercury based.

Some research shows that thimerisol MAY be linked to autism, other research shows that it isn't.

Posted 5/26/06 12:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

the mercury thing in shots, IMO, is blown way out of proportion.

There isn't enough mercury, if there is any in, the shots to do any kind of damage to a baby. the benefits of the shot far outway the risk of a tiny tiny tiny amount of "maybe" mercury in shots.

We all got the MMR shot when we were younger and I do believe we are just fineChat Icon

I don't want to start a controversary, (in my family there already is one), with the shots, but you should immunize your baby. This is why polio, MMR, are making a comeback!

Posted 5/26/06 12:39 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

My doctor will split them if I want. I am going to delay them until after he is 2 1/2 and see if my doctor will split them. There probably isn't a link between the shots and autism but I would feel more comfortable.

Message edited 5/26/2006 2:35:10 PM.

Posted 5/26/06 1:27 PM

I'm getting old

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

The fear with thimerasol is causing autism. You can choose to delay the shot if you wish. The shot is given at 18 months, about the time when autism begins to show its signs, that is why there has been the link between the two. I dont see any harm in getting the 3 shots together because I know my ped does not use any shots with thimerasol in them, heck the flu shot has mercury in it as a preservative, but of course you have to try to find the batch that doesnt if that worries you. I did however delay the MMR in Emma until she was 2 1/2 and will do the same with Jeremy.

Posted 5/26/06 2:09 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

Posted by sweetness

the mercury thing in shots, IMO, is blown way out of proportion.

There isn't enough mercury, if there is any in, the shots to do any kind of damage to a baby. the benefits of the shot far outway the risk of a tiny tiny tiny amount of "maybe" mercury in shots.

We all got the MMR shot when we were younger and I do believe we are just fineChat Icon

I don't want to start a controversary, (in my family there already is one), with the shots, but you should immunize your baby. This is why polio, MMR, are making a comeback!

That is not true about the mercury. I have read a lot on this and depending on each baby and how their body can process the mercury it can be enough to do damage.

Posted 5/26/06 2:51 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

A great book to read on this is What Your Doctor May not Tell you About Childhood Vaccinations by Dr. Stephanie Cave. I felt it had a lot of useful information and had a great delayed vaccination schedule.

I personally chose not to start any vaccinations until 5 months (I would have waited longer but we were going to be traveling and I wanted 1 dose of each before we went away). I allow her to get 1 shot at a time.

As far as MMR I will definitely delay this, probably until sometime after she is 2 years old. Probably closer to 3.

Vaccinations can be a hot topic. You have to do your research and do what you feel comfortable with as a parent.

Posted 5/26/06 2:55 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

I taught special ed for 5 years and had many autistic children in my class. The parents all blamed the shots. I do think that in some cases it could cause autism but when talking to these parents about family history they all mentioned that they have had autism in their families- aunts, uncles, siblings, etc. so I do believe that there is a huge genetic component to this as well. I wouldn't worry all that much about it. Like others have said, the benefits of the shots far outway the negitives and the chances of the shots causing autism is very slim.

Posted 5/26/06 4:27 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

Posted by kelly4

I taught special ed for 5 years and had many autistic children in my class. The parents all blamed the shots. I do think that in some cases it could cause autism but when talking to these parents about family history they all mentioned that they have had autism in their families- aunts, uncles, siblings, etc. so I do believe that there is a huge genetic component to this as well. I wouldn't worry all that much about it. Like others have said, the benefits of the shots far outway the negitives and the chances of the shots causing autism is very slim.

Totally agreed!

Posted 5/26/06 6:23 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

You can ask your pediatrician to break up the shots - but for me insurance would not have paid for them that way - they were way too Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Basically I just signed the form & prayed.Chat Icon

Posted 5/26/06 7:33 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: ok question about shots for newborns..

Posted by nrthshgrl

You can ask your pediatrician to break up the shots - but for me insurance would not have paid for them that way - they were way too Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Basically I just signed the form & prayed.Chat Icon

Really? My ped doesn't even charge me a copay when we go in for a shot. The nurse does it.

Posted 5/26/06 11:29 PM

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