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BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

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Member since 5/05

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BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

Jacob will be 8 months old like next week and he doesnt eat ANY table food. I try, and everything, i mean EVERYTHING i give him he either hates/spits out.. or gags/chokes/ which in turn leads into my total freak out/massive heart attack as i fish for the food in his throat. Puffs are completely OUT, as are cheerios, and when i gave him a teething biscuit, he enjoyed it until it got too moist and a piece broke off and well you know what happened there.

I have tried to give him mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes when we have it for dinner and he spits it out, and turns his head away. Also i have tried small pieces of chicken.. hates that too. And lately when i feed him baby food he hates everything also except... and i know this is gross... jarred LAMB!! He looooooves that.. cant get enuf.

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He's been spitting out and gagging on squash, peas, sweet potatoes.. even those combo dinners and combo fruits he doesnt like. I dont know what to feed this kid except friggin LAMB... I feel like asking Gerber to just deliver all their lamb in the warehouse to my house.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Anyone encounter such pickiness with their baby? I am clueless... he is basically living on cereal in the morn MIXED with a fruit, (wont take the fruit alone) , and then LAMB LAMB AND MORE LAMB... and formula.. he doesnt even like jarred chicken or turkey...just this nasty lamb... Chat Icon Chat Icon

And he doesnt like applesauce.. what baby doesnt like applesauce????? Chat Icon I am a picky eater, but geeeeeeeezzzzz....

Anyone??? Anyone???? Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 10:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

323 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

DS didn't eat anything past stage 2 baby food until well after his first birthday. He would gag and choke on almost everything. Maybe the consistency of the (gross) lamb is easier to "chew" and swallow. I would def. mention this to your ped. Max had a "poor munch." He had difficulty "chewing" the food, so he ended up acting like he didn't like it. He also had AR, which didn't help. He is 5 now, and is still a VERY picky eater, but we have found a FEW healthy things that he likes and will eat. GOOD LUCK! I've been's not easy!

Posted 8/17/06 5:17 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

I know this may sound controversial, but I do think its necessary for the babies to gag and choke in order for them to learn to swallow. I know that I did the same thing with Noah until one day I saw a HUGE piece of rice cake go down his throat after a few seconds of gagging/choking sound. I would keep trying but maybe let him do the gagging/choking thing for a few seconds while you are holding him, in a position ready to do a finger sweep, or turn him upside down or bang him on the chest. I would keep going with the puffs or rice cakes, they should dissolve after a few seconds.

Good Luck!!!

eta Noah won't eat anything except for pastas with tomato sauces, so I know the feeling. I just feed the kid what I know he will eat...its a waste to try something radically why bother at this moment! When he is a bit bigger, I will keep trying.

Message edited 8/17/2006 5:30:11 AM.

Posted 8/17/06 5:26 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

Bumping for the morning moms!!!

Posted 8/17/06 7:43 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

Sydney likes almost all the jarred foods I have given her but also has not liked or made it seem like she didnt like any of the table food I have given her. Last night for the first time I gave her avocado and she seemed like she liked it but then made gagging noises. I plan on trying it again tonight and this weekend I will try to give her some of the puffs for the first time.

Posted 8/17/06 9:08 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

Well, Katherine is not a picky eater...she'll eat anything, but it took her the longest time to eat table food. She was probably around 10 1/2 mos. when she could feed herself table food--or have me feed her--without choking and gagging. I bought all sorts of stuff--puffs, wagon wheels, etc and watched her like a HAWK! Always gagged. The first food she did well with was pastina, and we went from there.

I wouldn't be worried yet; he is still little and some babies (like Katherine) take a while to get warmed up to table foods.

Good luck!

Posted 8/17/06 9:41 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

While Aly is NOT a picky eater and is on table food I will offer my 2 cents....

I was told that any neurologically developed child will NOT choke....they'll throw it up if they start choking.

Aly gagged on puffs and cheerios for awhile...I'd break them in half.

What about puting something in a teether net for him to suck on?

I'ts probably just a stage he's going through....mix the lamb with some veggies....see if he'll eat that.

Posted 8/17/06 9:50 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

He might just not be ready. My ped wouldn't let me start table food until 10 months. Well...Jake also didn't have any teeth until 10 months either.

Either way, I noticed that when we first introduced Stage 3 with a chunkier texture, he used to gag alot at first. Then he refused everything for awhile because I think he was "afraid" of the chunks. So we laid off the Stage 3s for a couple of weeks, tried again after trying table foods in very small doses, and then he went for it. But even now, he is not exclusively on table food yet.

Posted 8/17/06 9:54 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms of 8 month olds..(almost)..

There is no rush, he is still getting sufficient nutrition from Formula or Breast Milk. The solids are really just for practice at this point. Don't push it and just keep trying new things. One day it will just click!

Mom of a baby who wouldn't eat bananas until she was 15 months old

Posted 8/17/06 12:24 PM

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