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OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

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and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

OK, a little background...
DH doesn't work your traditional 9-5 Mon-Fri hours, which is fine. I usually get up with Cassidy and Scotty in the morning (they sleep until anywhere from 6am-7:15am) and DH usually gets up with them 1 day a week so I can sleep in (until 9-9:30 or so). So the other night we were over BIL's house and DH is telling him that even though he doesn't have to get up with the kids I come in and out of the room a hundred times, so "technically" he's not really getting to sleep late (Cassidy STILL shares a room with us). For the most part, the only time I come in the room is to change Cass's diaper, or put her in for her morning nap. Once in a while I'll grab a load of laundry.
So last week he says how he'd like to start getting up earlier and that 1 day he would sleep in and 1 day I would sleep in but other than that he'd wake up with me. We talk last night and I say I'd like to sleep in on Sundays, rather than a week day because I like to get Scotty off to school, so today was my day. We agreed that 10am was the time, and that we would only come into the room if necessary.
So, he gets up with Cassidy this morning at 7:15. He plops Cassidy on the bed and gets on himself and starts chattin with her. Now I'm awake. He takes her out of the room, and at 8am is back in asking where her doll is. I don't know. 5 minutes later he comes back looking in the room for her doll. I say "did you check her toy bin?" "yes, it's not there". OK. At 8:30, he comes back in with Cass, saying "we're bored and we've done all we can do". I say "did you put her down on the floor and let her crawl around and play with her?" "Yes, but she's picking things off the rug and putting them in her mouth. And the sink is full. And the garbage pail is over flowing"(not sure what that had to do with anything)
So he leaves and now I am steaming. I get up, put the dishes in the dishwasher, take out the garbage, and go in the shower. I get out of the shower, go into our room to get dressed, and there's Cassidy in her crib, and DH is back in bed! So of course Cassidy was not asleep, she see's me and gets right up. He's telling me he never told me I had to get up and do those things. I tell him not to talk to me, give him Cassidy, and continue to get ready.
So now, we're not talking. Did I over react?

Posted 1/8/06 3:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

i wouldnt say you overreacted. i'd be pizzzzzzed if i were you as well!!!!

it willl all blow over.

Posted 1/8/06 3:10 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

imo no you didn't over react.
But when you get up and he sleeps...maybe he feels the same way as you did today?

Posted 1/8/06 3:10 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

Oh no you didn't overreact at all. My Dh used to do that to me all the time or just be loud so I didn't get to sleep in. When I was on vacation we were supposed to alternate days to sleep in. I figured I would let him sleep in the first day and then we would go from there and well don't you know I never got to sleep in because he always had something he 'had' to do in the mornings Chat Icon

Last night he went to bed at around 8:30 and I was up until 11:30 taking down all the Christmas decorations, trying to organize her toys and cleaning up and he says this morning, you didn't take down the outside lights! I was like are you freaking kidding me, do you think I was going to get on a ladder in the darkChat Icon Stacy, it's never enough no matter what you do. I have come to realize that all women raise the children they have plus one more- their husbands!

Posted 1/8/06 3:17 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

I think you have a right to be upset, that was very unconsiderate of him.Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/06 4:09 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

I dont think so...what happen to ONLY coming into the room if NECESSARY!!!!??

Besides why couldnt he load the dishwasher and take out the trash...

I would be soooo pizzed!!!

Posted 1/8/06 5:14 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

Hmm, have our husbands switched places this week?
First of all, he has a penis. That's strike one against him.
Do you think that maybe he wanted to spend time with YOU? Maybe he was acting like a child because he wanted some attention. Not saying it's right, but I know Jim is great with Cassidy and Scotty, so maybe he was feeling lonely. It s ucks, but maybe the only alternative is that, for now, no one gets to sleep in.
He shouldn't have done that to you, but i think there's more to it. Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/06 5:45 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

I'm sorry, I would be so mad if I was in that situation too. I dont think you over reacted at all!

Posted 1/8/06 5:46 PM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

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Properly perfect™

Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

No Way did you overreact...I would be mad too...are you guys talking yet?Chat Icon

Message edited 1/8/2006 5:54:20 PM.

Posted 1/8/06 5:54 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: OK, I need honest opinions. Am I wrong? (VERY long)

omg I think you handled that pretty well, better then I would (and do) NO you didnt overeact!

Message edited 1/8/2006 6:47:38 PM.

Posted 1/8/06 6:47 PM

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