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What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

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I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

It is getting close to the time I will be geting internals and just want to prepare...I am so not looking forward to it.

Posted 3/10/06 11:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

I didn't think internals were that bad. My doctor tends to talk a lot during the internals so I'm thinking about something else and not tense, maybe that helped.

Posted 3/10/06 11:51 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

I had one when I was leaking and they wanted to check I was not dialated yet. It was uncomfortable, and worse than a papsmear, but not too bad. Its managable and I figure, it can't be worse than the labor Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/06 11:57 AM

Happy New Year

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17334 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

Internal is worse.

Posted 3/10/06 12:00 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

About the same.
Remember you don't HAVE to have an internal unless something is wrong. They mean nothing as far as when you will have your baby.

Posted 3/10/06 12:05 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

I ask DH or Midwife to talk to me during so I am distracted.

Posted 3/10/06 12:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

I never thought the internal was that bad. I was scared to death with my 1st because of the stories I heard but it was ok. Not something I'd volunteer to do, but knew it had to be done-lol!

Posted 3/10/06 12:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

Both are uncomfortable but I would have to say the internal.

Posted 3/10/06 12:36 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

neither in my opinion, both are over so quickly it never really phased me.

Posted 3/10/06 12:44 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

I only had a few internals before being induced, and I have to say...pap smears were a walk in the park compared to them...ouch!

Posted 3/10/06 12:44 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?


Posted 3/10/06 1:38 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: What's worse a pap smear or an Internal?

I had an internal in mid/late 2nd trimester due to complications. SInce my cervix was so high up from the pg, I would def say internals are worse. SInce I was only 25 weeks, to me it felt like she was tickling my throat from the bottom up!

Posted 3/10/06 2:18 PM

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