Getting serious about TTC.... Help!
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Getting serious about TTC.... Help!
We have just been taking the whatever happens, happens approach, now DH said maybe we should get really serious about TTC. I have been sick on and off the past few months, and I know that was not helping it, and I was under a tremendous amount of stress since my MIL passed in December. I had a late AF, she showed up 2 weeks late in December, I had a heavy AF after that, but all tests were negative, so I was thinking maybe I did miscarry and it was too soon to get a BFP on a tests, not enough hormone in my body. I hve also lost 35 pounds and have about 30 more to go. Anyway, besides the obvious, what else can I do while TTC, should I get an ovulation kit? I am also trying not to make this too technical and take the "fun " out of TTC and get stressed to get pragnannt. Sorry of TMI. HELP! Thanks in advance, I know I can count on you girls to help me , and support me thru this journey.
Posted 5/15/06 2:02 PM |
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Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Getting serious about TTC.... Help!
DH and I saw a doctor to discuss TTC. The reason we went was mainly because I was overwhelmed by the amount of information that is out there in both books and here on the internet. He told us exactly what your thoughts were - not to make it too clinical or scientific until and unless you have to as it will more than likely stress out one or both people involved. I am to wait for my first natural AF (I am on the pill now so thats another cycle after THIS one) and do the BD every other day starting on day 10. If after a few months, we arent pregnant, then we go back for testing. At THIS point we may temp/chart/whatever if I am not pregnant. I feel so much better having seen someone who is familiar with my medical history than people who are not. Ultimately, the choice is yours but do whats best for you.
ETA: Congrats on that weight loss!
Message edited 5/15/2006 2:59:47 PM.
Posted 5/15/06 2:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Re: Getting serious about TTC.... Help!
Thank u for the advice. And also thank you for the congrats on my weight loss. I still cannot belive I have dropped 35 pounds!
Posted 5/15/06 3:36 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Getting serious about TTC.... Help!
sounds like you are doing everything right for now!
congrats on the weight loss- that's awesome!
Posted 5/15/06 8:10 PM |
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