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Diapers (X-posted on Pregnancy)

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Diapers (X-posted on Pregnancy)

Okay, I haven't bought any diapers yet because I haven't had my shower yet, but I was looking in the diaper aisle at CVS while picking up prescriptions, and I'm perplexed.

My sister-in-law swears by pampers, so I was gonna go with them. I thought the different "brands" of pampers was pretty much according to size, but some of the brands overlap reguardless of size, and that confused me more.

I saw "Swaddlers" (sizes NB, 1, 2)
"Baby-Dry" (sizes 1,2,3,4 and I think even 5)
"Cruisers" (sizes 3 and up)

So my basic question is what's the difference between them all, and how do you know which one to get? Also, how quickly do they move from one stage to the next. Would it be ridiculous to stock up on size 1? Do they move onto size 2 very quickly? Oh it's so confusing!

Also, does anyone prefer another brand of diapers? Why?


Posted 8/3/05 9:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

373 total posts

Mom of 2

Re: Diapers (X-posted on Pregnancy)

Swaddlers and Cruisers are the same thing (they have stretchy elastic tabs) - swaddlers are just a diff name for the smaller babies.

Baby Drys do not have the stretchy tabs...I originally used these but I guess it just seems the ones with the elastic tabs seem more comfie and fit better.

I have tried Huggies and other store brands but always came back to Pampers because of leaks, esp at night. I have heard that huggies are better for girls but I think its a matter of preference.

I would suggest starting with the smaller packages until you find one that you like. Then if you choose buy the big cases. On those I found the best deal is BJ's because you get the most for your money plus they take manuf. coupons.

Oh and to answer your question on how quickly they move up sizes...well that depends on how quickly they grow! My son was never in newborns -- it all depends on the size of the baby. Hes been in 4's for months now. You'll notice when its time for the next size (they'll either leak or be too tight) and you just buy the next size up.


Message edited 8/3/2005 9:33:20 PM.

Posted 8/3/05 9:31 PM

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