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Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

I'm reading all this stuff because I'm curious about what this process will be like when we decide to take the plunge... BUT -

does sex just begin to turn into something clinical and strictly for baby making when you decide to TTC? Does it ever feel... romantic and intimate anymore? I definitely want a baby, but I don't want to lose the fun and intimacy of the whole thing!!!

I hope I don't offend anyone - but I have never seen sex broken down into the most unappealing sounding process ever!!!

I just feel that thermometers, calendars, cervical mucus Chat Icon, ovulating clocks, watches, and devices are brought into the bedroom where... other devices may have been used at one time... just for the fun of it! Chat Icon

Please reassure me that its still romantic and sexy even with all these other things happening...

also - do you become.... preoccupied - I mean TOO preoccupied to have ... you know....

I mean - for me, the big O doesn't stand for ovulation!!! when do you cross over from one O to another????

Posted 6/23/06 11:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06

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Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

I think it depends on how long you are trying.... we are new to the game and we aren't doing the charting, temping, and all that other stuff yet.

So far it has still be very romantic and sexy and I try not to think about the baby part too much during the process.. just having a good time Chat Icon

But I think if we had trouble TTC ( knock on wood) that stuff would start to come into play..

Posted 6/23/06 11:26 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

Posted by MABLE03

I think it depends on how long you are trying.... we are new to the game and we aren't doing the charting, temping, and all that other stuff yet.

So far it has still be very romantic and sexy and I try not to think about the baby part too much during the process.. just having a good time Chat Icon

But I think if we had trouble TTC ( knock on wood) that stuff would start to come into play..

Chat Icon I hope not!!!!

Posted 6/23/06 11:28 PM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

As unappealing as it may sound - checking CM - charting temperatures - using OPK's are a normal part of monthly living for most of us. None of this is done while we are being intimate so no - it doesn't have an impact on our sex life. For a few days a month we have sex on a schedule vs. being spontaneous. In the end you realize it is completely worth it for the birth of your child.
Without even speaking to each other about it, DH attempt to either make it more romantic for each other, sweep the other of their feet when they get home the night we are due to BD. More for a nice thought for when we think about the time our child was conceived.

Lots of luck Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/06 8:20 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

I for one refuse to to the charting and temping thing until and unless I have to. We saw my OB/GYN who simply told us to BD on day 10 and every other day there after for about 5 or 6 months. If by that time we arent pregnant, then we will have to examine other clinical options. I think it depends on what stage of TTC people are at. People who have been trying longer may be more inclined to try more clinical options.

As much as we would like a child, I don't see the need to make its conception a science project or I may go buck nutty. I am too obsessive and I think if I do one thing wrong with temping and charting I may go over the edge. But that is just me.

Posted 6/24/06 11:21 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

135 total posts


Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

I think it's really in the way you view it. If you go into it thinking it's going to be boring and routine, then you'll carry that over into your love-making.

Taking your temp takes a few minutes, as does checking your CM and your CP. They do not have to be all day processes and they certainly do not need to be done while or right before you make love.

Stay positive, do little things during the day (when you are in your fertile time) that makes both of you look forward to getting busy later that night. I call DH and tell him the things I want to do to him. I don't say "hey, be ready tonight at 8pm". I bring it up in a way where it's still fun and sexy AND I'm fertile to boot!

Sure, when you have sex every single day on a schedule it can become tiring and boring or too routine. But there are plenty of ways to break out of that and have fun while making a baby!

Good Luck!

Posted 6/24/06 12:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

542 total posts


Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

Posted by MABLE03

I think it depends on how long you are trying.... we are new to the game and we aren't doing the charting, temping, and all that other stuff yet.

So far it has still be very romantic and sexy and I try not to think about the baby part too much during the process.. just having a good time Chat Icon

But I think if we had trouble TTC ( knock on wood) that stuff would start to come into play..

Im with you on this one.

Posted 6/24/06 3:35 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Can I ask a weird TMI-ish question?

Thanks ladies!!!

Its good to know it wont turn into a science project!!!

Posted 6/25/06 4:43 PM

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