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Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

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Member since 5/05

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Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

We started switching Kevin from Soy over to Whole milk.

First day was 6oz soy to 1oz of milk. - no problems.

Today: 5oz soy to 2oz of Milk - gas, fussiness and red rash around his bottom.

He is also teething big time (2 top ones coming in).

Do you think its the milk or the teeth?

Any suggestions?

Posted 7/5/06 9:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

My daughter is allergic to milk but when we found out, she had hives and swelling around her mouth - usually hives around their bellies is a sure sign of allergy. It could be just the teething or maybe a sensitivity to digesting the milk? Worst case, wait on the whole milk a few more days and see if the rash stops. Then once the tooth comes in re-introduce the whole milk and see what happens.

Posted 7/5/06 9:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

I would see what happens for another day or 2 and then call the doctor.

Nate was on Soy and the first few days he had gas. He's been on it for almost 4 weeks now and has no real problems since the 1st week. My only problem is that he refuses to drink it cold straight from the fridge. So I either nik it for 20 sec or sit the bottle in hot water to take the chill out.

Message edited 7/5/2006 10:02:03 PM.

Posted 7/5/06 10:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

I would ask why was he on Soy formula? If he can't tolate milk based formula I would not give him whole milk. Sounds like an dairy allergy.

Posted 7/5/06 10:12 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

Posted by michele31

I would ask why was he on Soy formula? If he can't tolate milk based formula I would not give him whole milk. Sounds like an dairy allergy.

I would say the same thing. Did his ped ok switching to milk?

Message edited 7/5/2006 10:14:52 PM.

Posted 7/5/06 10:14 PM

my girls!

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

Posted by michele31

I would ask why was he on Soy formula? If he can't tolate milk based formula I would not give him whole milk. Sounds like an dairy allergy.

some are given soy at first just because they can't digest milk formula easily - I know of a few kids that are fine with milk now but were on soy as infants.

Posted 7/6/06 8:33 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

Kevin was on alimentum due to digestive issues when he was young and possible lactose intolerance. My dr suggested to try whole milk first - they could just grow out of it or it was too hard to tell what it was as a baby.

Well - Kevin is lactose intolerant. It started at about 2 oz and got worse at 3oz. He became gassy, messy (but not horrible) poops and extremely cranky (I described it as having my colic baby back). I also thought teething since my son was 12 months and still no teeth but teething forever. So I stayed a week on 3 oz and finally called my dr. They recommended I go to 3 oz soy milk or lactiad milk to rule it out. Well, when I did he was fine right away.

Have you given you baby cheese or yogurt? How was his reaction to this? Kevin seemed fine with cheese but I only had given him small bits at this point. Yogurt always made him cranky but dr made it like I was imagining it when I brought it up in the past. Now he is on soy yogurt, lactaid cheese and soy milk. I have some dairy stuff like ice cream and things like that or given in small quantities.

Posted 7/6/06 8:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

Posted by My2Boys

Posted by michele31

I would ask why was he on Soy formula? If he can't tolate milk based formula I would not give him whole milk. Sounds like an dairy allergy.

I would say the same thing. Did his ped ok switching to milk?

When he first started with formula we had a lot of problems with gas, fussiness and intolerance. After trying all the different Enfamil formula, the Soy one caused the least amount of difficulty.

He just had his 1 year check up on Monday and the doctor told us to switch over to whole milk.

Posted 7/6/06 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

Posted by Niecey

Kevin was on alimentum due to digestive issues when he was young and possible lactose intolerance. My dr suggested to try whole milk first - they could just grow out of it or it was too hard to tell what it was as a baby.

Well - Kevin is lactose intolerant. It started at about 2 oz and got worse at 3oz. He became gassy, messy (but not horrible) poops and extremely cranky (I described it as having my colic baby back). I also thought teething since my son was 12 months and still no teeth but teething forever. So I stayed a week on 3 oz and finally called my dr. They recommended I go to 3 oz soy milk or lactiad milk to rule it out. Well, when I did he was fine right away.

Have you given you baby cheese or yogurt? How was his reaction to this? Kevin seemed fine with cheese but I only had given him small bits at this point. Yogurt always made him cranky but dr made it like I was imagining it when I brought it up in the past. Now he is on soy yogurt, lactaid cheese and soy milk. I have some dairy stuff like ice cream and things like that or given in small quantities.

I tried yogurt last week and he threw it up. I think I tried too much too soon instead of just trying a taste at the end of his regular meal to see how he likes it.

I don't know, his doctor was very slow about having us try new foods with Kevin. Maybe because of the reflux issue but at his last appointment I asked if I should start with table foods and he was ok with it but said I could continue with the Stage 2/3 baby food since he's doing well on it.

Our ped. GI was concerned that he isn't eating table foods because he needs to learn how to handle the chunkier textures to prevent food avoidance issues later on.

One doctor says one thing and the other says another Chat Icon

I read about the other babies his age eating chicken and waffles and think am I feeding him wrong and is he behind the other babies because of this.

Posted 7/6/06 9:24 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

When I switched my daughter from Soy to whole milk, she was a bit gassy, but now that I am switching my son, he is doing beautifully with it. No problems at all. I would think that alot of the problem is the teeth. If he still can't handle it well, I would call the doctor or try to switch him over to the Lactaid, it is whole milk without the lactose.

Hope this helps!

Posted 7/6/06 11:08 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

Also, when I began switching my kids over to whole milk, my doctor told me NOT to add the milk to the soy. What he had told me to do was to supplement one bottle of formula with one bottle of milk. So for a few days they got 1 bottle (or sippy) of milk, a few days later it was 2 bottles, etc. And I have not had any problems at all. Give it a try!

Posted 7/6/06 11:18 AM

Family of 5!

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Re: Switching from Soy Formula to Whole Milk....anyone's baby have problems?

After I stopped BFing Ryan had issues with reg. formula (gas, fussines etc.) and went on Isomil....

Currently he eats dairy products (yogurt, ice cream, cheese etc...) with no problem (but they are min. amounts) When I discussed milk with my DR- he told me that when its time- we will start off with whole milk (just the way you are doing it) and take it from there- he too assured me that many times children grow out of it ( which IMO- would explain why he handles milk products so well)

I think I would give it a few more days (just dont increase the amount of milk- yet) Because it def. could be teething!

Posted 7/6/06 2:05 PM

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