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Is anyones patience being tried????

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Is anyones patience being tried????

my frustration level seems to be SO low lately....especially with our one dog.

He's been so bad that I have to resort to hitting him and I've been screaming every day at him for the last week or so.

Last night, I couldn't breath I was so mad at him

Posted 10/3/05 10:11 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

What is he doing that is bothering you so much?

Hitting isn't really going to help the situation and there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to strike an animal. Have you tries leaving him outside when he is getting on your nerves?

ETA: Keep in mind that his whole life is changing too. It isn't just you and DH that are going through an adjustment period, he is too.

Message edited 10/3/2005 10:23:50 AM.

Posted 10/3/05 10:22 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

I have been snapping at DH and I have been crying at everything! (This is so embarassing) I was watching Princess Diaries 2 and during a scene I started crying. I think that our hormones, plus the discomfort of being pregnant, and the emotional toll of - wow I am carrying another human being and everything I do, eat, breate, etc.. will affect this tiny baby, who I will be responsible to raise into a good and productive member of society.

When my dad passed away, someone told me we have a cup full of tolerance before we break down (frustration, crying, anger, sadness, whatever). During major life changes - and lets face it- this is one of the biggest one- especially for us first time moms- the cup is half full, so the normal things we can deal with end up overflowing our cup.

I think its totally normal. Just try to relax, or have DH take care of some of the things that are really trying your patience. The best thing we can do is be as calm as possible.

Posted 10/3/05 10:24 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

Shana, I def know how you feel with the dog!! My jack russell has been sooo bad the last couple weeks, I am sure she feels/knows something different is up. She gets me soo frustrated! When I am frustrated I bite my lower lip, one morning i went to work all red, and my lip was bleeding.

I try to just count to 10, if that doesn't work I walk away from her, bring her inside and try it again later. Dogs have such a sense to know when their world is changing, or is going too.

Maybe Dh can deal the dog when you get too frustrated? It's not your fault, i'ts the damn hormones!

Posted 10/3/05 11:46 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

Our little chihuahua started acting up while I was pregnant, disobeying us when we would walk him, and peeing and pooping all over the house. It was definitely frustrating, especially when your blood is coursing with extreme emotion... try to remember that your little pup can probably sense some big changes going on and is trying to adjust himself. When it got too overwhelming for me, I would walk away or hand him off to DH (who always seems to have more patience than I do!)

Posted 10/3/05 11:56 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

Posted by shamrock12472

What is he doing that is bothering you so much?

Hitting isn't really going to help the situation and there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to strike an animal. Have you tries leaving him outside when he is getting on your nerves?

ETA: Keep in mind that his whole life is changing too. It isn't just you and DH that are going through an adjustment period, he is too.

Believe me I know there is no legitmate reason for striking an animal, but it seems to be the only way he learns is through intimidation.

He'll "tell" us he needs to go out and then all he does is snuff around and play outside. I cannot leave him out there-no fence and he's a runner--off he goes down the street. I will not leave him on a lead unsupervised since that is not what a lead is for.

I figured by now he would have adjusted or "known" the impending baby, but maybe he's just "feeling" it now. I do not need to be lectured about how to raise my animals---they are normally both VERY Good dogs, but as of late, the both of them keep "testing" me and they try to dominate me.

Posted 10/3/05 5:15 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

I wasn't trying to lecture you. I work with abused animals and it's a very sensitive topic and that isn't saying you are abusing them. Hitting instills fear and it usually does not bring about positive behavior especially if their actions are attention seeking.

Are they crate trained? If not, look in to crate training them. That way they can "go to their room" when they are getting in your way. It also sounds like they aren't respecting you as an "alpha" and you can definitely work on that. That will take some time and training but it will be a god - sent when the baby comes. As far as their bathroom habits, one way of getting them to go when they are out is to get them to associate a command with it. When you go out, when they start going to the bathroom, use a word like "hurry" when they are going. When they are done, give them lots of praise and, if you want, a treat. They will learn to associate going to the bathroom with the command which they will associate with something good.

Posted 10/3/05 6:00 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????


Message edited 10/3/2005 7:04:21 PM.

Posted 10/3/05 6:56 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Is anyones patience being tried????

Posted by shamrock12472

I wasn't trying to lecture you. I work with abused animals and it's a very sensitive topic and that isn't saying you are abusing them. Hitting instills fear and it usually does not bring about positive behavior especially if their actions are attention seeking.

Are they crate trained? If not, look in to crate training them. That way they can "go to their room" when they are getting in your way. It also sounds like they aren't respecting you as an "alpha" and you can definitely work on that. That will take some time and training but it will be a god - sent when the baby comes. As far as their bathroom habits, one way of getting them to go when they are out is to get them to associate a command with it. When you go out, when they start going to the bathroom, use a word like "hurry" when they are going. When they are done, give them lots of praise and, if you want, a treat. They will learn to associate going to the bathroom with the command which they will associate with something good.

thank you for your advice. The little guy is really the problem. The older one knows to do her business. We are having a good afternoon and evening and we do give him treats when he goes quickly. He is in the crate when we are not home, but he sleeps with us in the bed. Unfortunately, my dogs are overly spoiled, but I would not do it any other way.

I guess I have to put Boomer on his back just a little more often to show him who is boss. I feel terribly guilty for the way I treat him sometimes, but I do try to make it up to him by playing an snuggling with him extra and giving him treats from dinner.Chat Icon

hopefully, we'll all get used to this sooner than later

Posted 10/3/05 7:44 PM

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