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Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

For those of you who read my post about my office (my boss) scr*wing me over when I get back from maternity, I have a question...

I interviewed at a place today - the pay cut would be $15k if I took the job - but only $10k if you consider I wont be paying $5k to commute to NYC. BUT I will be paying for gas now to commute and they dont pay for overtime.

The interview went really well but I dont know what to do, should I take the cut of $15k and no paid over time?

Posted 6/16/06 6:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Do you really think you would work OT now that you are a mom?
Is the salary negotiable at all. Like would they maybe raise it $5K?
Can you and DH afford it? That would be my big question. If you can then I would totally go for it.
How long is the commute compared to your commute to the city? Benefits? Vacation?

Posted 6/16/06 6:25 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

can you negotiate the salary at all? Even a little bit?

Depends on your financial situation. how much are you able to put away a month for say savings? If its a lot, then I would say yes, for you its a better opportunity and you can usually make money fast to increase your salary. I know I increased $14K in my job in 5 years and its not as likely to get the type of salary increases as yours is.

Good luck with the decision!

Posted 6/16/06 6:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

72 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Is this job on LI? In my experience, the jobs on LI are paid WAY less than those in NYC. I guess you have to decide if you can afford the paycut, after taking commuting, dry cleaning, lunch expenses, etc. into account. GL!

Posted 6/16/06 6:27 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

IMO money is less important. How long is your commute. Will you have to work overtime? Do you get the same or more time off? Will you be able to get home quicker if DD needs you?

Posted 6/16/06 8:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

when I moved to Long Island I was commuting 2 hours each way to the city. I took a job on Long Island which was 10 minutes from my home but was 10,000 less than what I was making in the city...

My reasoning for taking the job was the commute and my quality of life. For my husband and I it cut our commute expenses in half because we were both going into the city at the time... We were also able to take the cut but I am glad I did. The commute was killing me and I had no life..

Now that you have a child, quality of life should be on top of your list. if it was me, I would take the job and cut down on things that we would indulge in....

Money sometimes doesn't mean everything...

Posted 6/16/06 8:33 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

You aren't paid for overtime - but are you expected to work it anyway?

When I took the job I have now - I had to make a decision whether I wanted a job or a career. At the time, I didn't have kids so I had more flexibility in terms of salary. I choose the job for about $15K less. Within 6 months, I received a $10K increase when a friend of mine told me she had an ideal job for me. My boss said he'd give me $10K not to interview. Three months later, he gave me a $5K increase. Seven years later, I'm doing pretty well - and while I only wanted a job, I have more career opportunities available to me in a different profession.

You have to keep in mind that you're going to be paying daycare. So you're adding essentially another mortgage payment on top of the decrease in salary.

Also depending on where it's based in LI, your commute could be longer than your train ride. My friend worked in Garden City. It was over an hour in traffic. That train ride with 1.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep seems mighty nice when you're catching up on sleep.

Hard decision either way. But getting to the next chapter in your life always is...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 9:00 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Well the company is in Ronkonkoma, so it takes about 25 mins to get there. But I'm going against rush hour while everyone is going west, I'll be going east - and not hitting much traffic.

OT is not paid but from what she said there really isnt much of it and if there is, I would be compensated when I got my annual review.

They pay partial benefits, I'd pay part also. I would get less vacation time (right now I have 28 days - which is really good, but I've earned that time after 5+ years at my current job).

My day right now working in NYC is pretty much 7am-7pm. If I worked at this job, my day would be 8:30-5:30 (including my commute).

We could afford the reduction in salary - we MAY have to sell the boat but that's something we already discussed and we're open to that if need be.

I'm kind of putting the cart before the horse, but I think they're going to offer me the job. Maybe what I'll do is try and negotiate my salary up a little more...even $5k. To them, it probably wouldnt be hard...and it would cushion the blow for me.

THANKS girls for the ideas and suggestions...I guess I have to think about things a little more...and wait til I hear from them! LOL

Message edited 6/16/2006 11:38:37 PM.

Posted 6/16/06 10:34 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Posted by MrsJ

Well the company is in Ronkonkoma, so it takes about 25 mins to get there. But I'm going against rush hour while everyone is going west, I'll be going east - and not hitting much traffic.

OT is not paid but from wghat she said there really isnt much of it and if there is, I wuld be compensated when I got my annual review.

They pay partial benefits, I'd pay part also. I would get less vacation time (right now I have 28 days - which is really good, but I've earned that time after 5+ years at my current job).

My day right now working in NYC is pretty much 7am-7pm. If I worked at this job, my day would be 8:30-5:30 (including my commute).

We could afford the reduction in salary - we MAY have to sell the boat but that's something we already discussed and we're open to that if need be.

I'm kind of putting the cart before the horse, but I think they're going to offer me the job. Maybe what I'll do is try and negotiate my salary up a little more...even $5k. To them, it probably wouldnt be hard...and it would cusion the blow for me.

THANKS girls for the ideas and suggestions...I guess I have to think about things a little more...and wait til I hear from them! LOL

Maybe this is just going to be my opinion but if you can afford it those extra 3 hours a day with your daughter are priceless. You will probably be a lot less stressed than having to commute into the city which will make the quality of your time with her that much better.
Good luck in making the best decision for you and your family.

Posted 6/16/06 10:58 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Posted by MrsJ

My day right now working in NYC is pretty much 7am-7pm. If I worked at this job, my day would be 8:30-5:30 (including my commute).

This would be the decision maker for me since you say you can afford the pay cut. Also remember that you will be closer to Katie in case God forbid she gets sick or something and you have to go get her from daycare.

Posted 6/16/06 11:19 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Posted by pharmcat2000

Posted by MrsJ

My day right now working in NYC is pretty much 7am-7pm. If I worked at this job, my day would be 8:30-5:30 (including my commute).

This would be the decision maker for me since you say you can afford the pay cut. Also remember that you will be closer to Katie in case God forbid she gets sick or something and you have to go get her from daycare.

This is what I was thinking. I would much rather be closer to my child if something were to happen. You can just get in the car and go. This is probably the main reason I stayed on LI instead of working in NYC.

Good luck!

Posted 6/17/06 9:56 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Posted by pharmcat2000

Posted by MrsJ

My day right now working in NYC is pretty much 7am-7pm. If I worked at this job, my day would be 8:30-5:30 (including my commute).

This would be the decision maker for me since you say you can afford the pay cut. Also remember that you will be closer to Katie in case God forbid she gets sick or something and you have to go get her from daycare.

yup those 3 hours are priceless. IF you work 7-7 she will probably be asleep when you leave and shortly after you get home. Plus being able to get to her quickly if you need to will give you alot of added peace.

Posted 6/17/06 11:47 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Posted by rose825

IMO money is less important. How long is your commute. Will you have to work overtime? Do you get the same or more time off? Will you be able to get home quicker if DD needs you?

this is the most important to me too...and part of why I moved out to li for work....knowing some day i would need ot be closer to our kids (and then lo and behold, i began preggers!)

Posted 6/17/06 12:01 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Question for you ladies connection with my office scr*wing me over

Kathy I think you could find a better job than that honestly. There are good jobs just have to give it some time.

Posted 6/17/06 1:59 PM

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