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Do you have a "calling card"?

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she's baaccckkkk ;)

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Do you have a "calling card"?

I was reading an article in Allure yesterday about a 26yo that was diagnosed with an agressive form of breast cancer.

she talked about how initially, she'd rather DIE than give up her breasts (which were big). she said her breasts and her hair were her "calling cards" what I can only assume means the things you are remembered most by..I guess physically.

I am not sure what mine is...if I have one at all. I was just curious if other people feel like that about their physical "assets"

as a sidenote, in the end she underwent a double mastectomy and had her breasts reconstructed from her stomach fat and muscle. it was a very interesting article. she is actually from LI.

Posted 10/3/06 10:12 AM
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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

Nope, I have nothing that I feel that way about.

Posted 10/3/06 10:13 AM

Eva Luna
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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

No. And definitely not if I have something like cancer. That article troubles me a bit. I would do anything to be cancer free, who cares about your outward appearance. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 10:18 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

Nothing physical. I would think of my "calling card" as my personality, or my big mouth.

Posted 10/3/06 10:20 AM

my loves...

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

No, there is nothing I would rather have more (on my being), than life itself.

To say you'd rather your hair & your breasts over life is really superficial...and young. I hope this woman is OK now.

Posted 10/3/06 10:26 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

I don't, but I have a calling plan.

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Posted 10/3/06 11:15 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

I think the loss of my hair would really hurt my spirits if I had cancer. I know that my health is the most important thing and you have to do whatever it takes, however, I love my hair, it makes me happy (as I write this I am, in fact, aware of how shallow I sound)
I can always keep another "calling card" no matter what, I always wear big, huge hoop earrings. God willing I don't end up looking like Mr. Clean anytime soon. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 11:24 AM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

I think my hair. I always had really long hair, and I've cut it a few times (including at the beginning of this year for locks of love) and i just don't feel the same with short hair so I am growing it out again

Posted 10/3/06 11:45 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

Posted by JenniferEver

I think my hair. I always had really long hair, and I've cut it a few times (including at the beginning of this year for locks of love) and i just don't feel the same with short hair so I am growing it out again

I just lopped off my hair for locks of love this weekend!

I had considered my hair my "calling card" but it was for such a good cause that I thought it was worth it.

I don't think any physical trait "calling card" is worth saving if keeping it means risking life. I'm glad that girl realized the value of her life over her breasts.

Posted 10/3/06 11:50 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

I don't think ANY of my physical traits are worth DYING over...I can see how it would be sad and scary to have something you consider a physical "asset" taken away, but nothing is more important than life.

that being said, as far as a calling card...something that people remember me by...I am not sure. different people say different things...I think I have a nice and infectious to me, that's my calling card, but someone else may know, the girl with the nice butt or whatever.

LOL..this is tough.

those that have met me, what do you think? what sticks out most about me?

Posted 10/3/06 11:56 AM


Member since 2/06

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Suzanne / SuzBride

Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

my flat stomach (obviously I wouldn't die to keep it, but it is the one part of my body I have always been very happy with) - all the fat gravitates to my butt Chat Icon

my smile (I have big teeth, but people seem to like it) Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/06 12:00 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

I would say my think long curly hair, my hourglass figure and my height (or rather, the lack of itChat Icon, I am a very short, small girl)

I can definitely understand, or rather, try to, how that woman felt and why she said what she did! I am sure it was just somethign one says when faced with such a situation! Clearly, she did value her life above her breasts, since she ended up getting the surgery.

Posted 10/3/06 12:09 PM

Partners in crime

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

Posted by Eva Luna

No. And definitely not if I have something like cancer. That article troubles me a bit. I would do anything to be cancer free, who cares about your outward appearance. Chat Icon

I couldn't agree more. I don't think I have a calling card. I love my hair and have gotten lots of compliments about it but I am going to cut my hair soon for Locks for Love. Like Sasha said, I would do/remove anything in order to erradicate the cancer.

Posted 10/3/06 12:13 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

I'm not sure what my calling card is but honestly if I was diagnosed, it would definitely trouble me how I would look afterwards but I know that those that truly love me, their love wouldn't change.

it's really what's inside that matters, our personality and how we are as human beings, is what makes us look beautiful in the outside.

Message edited 10/3/2006 12:58:07 PM.

Posted 10/3/06 12:49 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Do you have a "calling card"?

Posted by racheeeee

I don't, but I have a calling plan.

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Posted 10/3/06 12:56 PM

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