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Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

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Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

At Emily's last Dr. visit, the pediatrician said that at eleven months I can start Emily on milk. She was on Soy formula since she was seven weeks old. Well, I started her on regular whole milk first and she didn't do well. She was very constipated. Last Monday I switched to Lactose free milk. I introduced with eight ounces for two days then by Saturday she was up to twenty ounces and eight ounces of formula. Sunday and today I only gave her milk( 28 oz.). All last week, she was fine. She isn't constipated. I have also weaned Emily off of two bottles. She still gets a bottle at night. Yesterday and today she has been cranky. She seems very tired. She is also a very fussy eater. Meals have been an hour long and she eats, but very slow(she has her top and bottom teeth). I was wondering if she might be having a problem with the lactose milk? I am confused because all last week she was fine on it. The last two days she's just cranky. She's been having tantrums in her highchair, carseat, and stroller. She doesn't want to be held. She is happiest when she is left alone to play with her toys. My gut says this is all behavioral and she'll be fine. My mom seems to think she has a problem with the milk. Now I am wondering which it is. To all the BTDT moms, did your children experience any problems when you switched from formula to milk?
I know I am rambling, but I guess I'd really like to know your experience and any advice you can give me. I am so frustrated lately. Thank you soooooo much!

Posted 7/25/05 11:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

I doubt it, has she eaten yogurt, cottage chesse, sliced cheese, donuts, etc? Well, if she has, she has already been exposed to milk protein so chances are it is not related to milk. My daughter ourgrew a severe milk allergy at 20 months old. Maybe it;s her 1 yr molars that are bothering her.

Posted 7/26/05 9:02 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

Hi Debbie... I am not a parent but maybe I can help. I know a lot about Dairy and Bowel Movements since I suffer from IBS and lactose intolerance.
If Emily had Lactose Intolerance she would experience abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and diarrhea after drinking whole milk. Lactose Intolerance does not cause constipation.
Since she is constipated I believe she is having an intolerance to the protein found in milk (milk from cows). So lactose-free, low fat, skim milk wouldn't help her. I think Soymilk or Ricemilk would help her problem, but I would speak to her doctor first to make sure she is recieving all the nutrients a child her age needs. I know I have to take a calcium supplement fortified with vitamin D... not sure about babies though.
Sorry for intruding on the board but I have been suffering for years. HTH!Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/05 9:32 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

The easy way to resolve this is to bring her to the doc and have them do a stool guiac, if there are traces of blood in her stool chances are she has a milk allergy.

Posted 7/27/05 9:08 AM

Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

Thank you for all your help. She had a much better day yesterday. I don't know, I am going to have to discuss my concerns with her dr. I didn't realize they get one year molars. I thought the molars came later on. Yikes, maybe that is the problem. She has had her fingers in her mouth a lot. I don't know. Ahhhhhh. The lactose free seems okay with her. There is a history of lactose intolerance on both sides of her family. She eats cheese with no problem. Maybe she is just sensitive to large amounts of dairy. I know I am. I haven't tried yogurt yet. I was going to try that next week. Thanks again. It is so nerve racking. I don't want to see her uncomfortable.

Message edited 7/27/2005 9:49:40 AM.

Posted 7/27/05 9:49 AM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

I hope Emily feels better soonChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/05 1:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1051 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

Sounds like she is just having behavioral issues. About 11-11 1/2 mo. Emily starting behaving totally differently. I would call her difficult. At almost 13 months now, it is really not much better. UGH!!!!

I also want to add, it sounds like she is getting too much milk. Our ped said no more than 16 oz. of milk per day. Not including cheese, yogurt etc. Too much dairy can inhibit iron absorption. Ask your dr. about that.

Posted 7/28/05 12:54 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

Posted by Kris

Sounds like she is just having behavioral issues. About 11-11 1/2 mo. Emily starting behaving totally differently. I would call her difficult. At almost 13 months now, it is really not much better. UGH!!!!

I also want to add, it sounds like she is getting too much milk. Our ped said no more than 16 oz. of milk per day. Not including cheese, yogurt etc. Too much dairy can inhibit iron absorption. Ask your dr. about that.

I think that's the turning point for all our sweet angels to turn into monsters!Chat Icon I used to have no problems taking Amber out to restaurants because she behaved so well. As soon as the clock struck one years old she was like a raving lunatic ANYWHERE I took her. Restaurants, stores, you name it. Now I don't want to tarry long in even a place like McDonalds because she's freaking out to get DOWN and run amuck!Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/05 1:32 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

528 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

I heard some babies need to stay on formula past one year till 14 or 15 months or even 2 years old and then switch
ask your dr. about that, maybe he will have you wait or do half and half? for a while

Posted 7/28/05 11:38 PM

Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

Posted by ambersmom

Posted by Kris

Sounds like she is just having behavioral issues. About 11-11 1/2 mo. Emily starting behaving totally differently. I would call her difficult. At almost 13 months now, it is really not much better. UGH!!!!

I also want to add, it sounds like she is getting too much milk. Our ped said no more than 16 oz. of milk per day. Not including cheese, yogurt etc. Too much dairy can inhibit iron absorption. Ask your dr. about that.

I think that's the turning point for all our sweet angels to turn into monsters!Chat Icon I used to have no problems taking Amber out to restaurants because she behaved so well. As soon as the clock struck one years old she was like a raving lunatic ANYWHERE I took her. Restaurants, stores, you name it. Now I don't want to tarry long in even a place like McDonalds because she's freaking out to get DOWN and run amuck!Chat Icon

I am starting to realize that myself. Sharon, maybe we'll have some luck at the Ecology Site. Thanks girls for your help and advice. She is doing better with the Lactose free milk. She actually seems fine. Now that she is off formula, she is eating better for me. She must have an appetite now. Emily is also off her bottle. So I think I was just in panic mode the other night when I posted my question. Now she seems better. I actually took her out today and she wasn't that bad. I do envy the mommys with babies in their infant seats. Those were the days. I really think it is teething. Today she woke up with a runny nose. She always gets that before her teeth come in. My poor Emily she is really a bad teether. I wish she could just wake up and have all her teeth.

Posted 7/28/05 11:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Do you think Emily has a milk allergy?

We had a problem with whole milk... We had to give him 2%... It was more mild on his belly!!! Good Luck!!!

Posted 7/30/05 2:11 AM

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