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Teachers- Need advice

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I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Teachers- Need advice

Ok so there are 2 new teachers in my department this year. One is FABULOUS! The other is um well, lacking for a better word. Her observations have been less than stellar. She has 2 years experience in another district and then wanted to come to our department. In the beginning of the year she was um difficult to talk to, overly opinonated, not teaching from the curriculum and snappy whenever someone had any piece of advice. I backed off because frankly I didn't have time for her attitude. A couple of weeks later the other new teacher came to me and told me how upset this new teacher was because some other members of the department went to the chairperson to complain about things that she had done and that her 1st evaluations was horrible. So somehow I wound up talking to her. During the converstation I told her that people we very put off by her snottiness and some other things that she had done. (like going into the long term copying room and taking other teachers work that was in there)

To her credit she has improved in the snippiness department. Her lessons are still not up to snuff.

I was asked by the new teacher leader to become a mentor to her and help her.

So I have been trying.

But she is constantly doing things to shoot herself in the head. I have even gone in and taught her most difficult class to show her how to better handle them. But she is still doing things that will cause her to probably be let go this month or next. For example she had a preobservation today and she didn't write up or type up her lesson plans because she had a headache last night. She was whining about why does she have to do it and such. I said listen your meeting is 8th period get it done! You have the timeChat Icon On her last observation among other things she was listed as not submitting lesson plans on time, not having a rapport with her students, timing and pacing and not attending scheduled staff developements.Chat Icon IMO she is stupidly shooting herself in the hip! The principal observed her and said her lesson was great- yes it probably was because he doesn't speak Spanish. So her latest statement as to why her evaluations must not be up to par is because the principal observed her with 7th graders and the chairpeople have only observed her with 8th graders. So she claims now that she should only teach 7th grade and she would be great.

I could go on and on.

My question to you is, when do I give up. I like her and would like to see her make it, I think but I don't think I have the energy or stamina to bang my head against the wall anymore- so would you give up too?

Posted 2/28/06 10:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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No more school= too much time!

Member since 5/05

1395 total posts


Re: Teachers- Need advice

As a new teacher I wouldn't survive without the other teachers in my department!! They are my life support. You have done you best at trying to help her but there is only so much you can help when a person doesn't want it.

Posted 2/28/06 10:03 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

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Re: Teachers- Need advice

We had a teacher like that in my department at the beginning of the year. she was hired over the summer by our dept. chairperson who then took another job.
She was terrible.....dressed really inappropriately, behaved terribly, was snotty, didn't take advice, no matter how hard we all tried.
Eventually, we all gave up. She is an adult, and she needs to know how to behave when she has a job, and if she can't, she needs to be let go. No matter how nice she is, think of how the students are suffering because of her laziness and immaturity!
Perhaps teaching is not the profession for her!
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You did all that you can - she has to put some work in now!

Posted 2/28/06 10:07 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Teachers- Need advice

Posted by BobBsWife

As a new teacher I wouldn't survive without the other teachers in my department!! They are my life support. You have done you best at trying to help her but there is only so much you can help when a person doesn't want it.

That's the thing Tracy she claims that she wants my help and always asks my advice but she can't take any advice I or the others have and make it her own to implent into the classroom Chat Icon

Posted by Palebride

We had a teacher like that in my department at the beginning of the year. she was hired over the summer by our dept. chairperson who then took another job.
She was terrible.....dressed really inappropriately, behaved terribly, was snotty, didn't take advice, no matter how hard we all tried.
Eventually, we all gave up. She is an adult, and she needs to know how to behave when she has a job, and if she can't, she needs to be let go. No matter how nice she is, think of how the students are suffering because of her laziness and immaturity!
Perhaps teaching is not the profession for her!
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You did all that you can - she has to put some work in now!

Thanks Lori, I think I just needed to hear that. I can't stand feeling like I have failed (failed to save her) but I can't teach 10 classes. I have had her observe me, I have observed her and I have given up prep periods upon prep periods and taught her classes. I feel bad saying this but I think that you are right it just might not be for her. I went to my chairperson trying to give him some insist into her and let him know that she is trying and telling him to give her some time and that I would work with her, but nothing is improving. I literally feel like this Chat Icon I just feel awful because if it was a student I would not be giving up but I just feel like besides my own students and my daughter I don't have time for another child (being her)

I feel awful saying this but I think I will have to back off Chat Icon

Thank youChat Icon

Posted 2/28/06 10:13 PM

No more school= too much time!

Member since 5/05

1395 total posts


Re: Teachers- Need advice

Doyou think she is asking for advice to look like she cares? But in the end she doesn't care enough to really do it??

Posted 2/28/06 10:15 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Teachers- Need advice

Posted by BobBsWife

Doyou think she is asking for advice to look like she cares? But in the end she doesn't care enough to really do it??

Honestly I am starting to think that. But then today she said when is the date that they will let me go? So I don't know if she has just accepted the fact that at this point the writing is on the wall. I told her I don't know, it's in March or April but you still have 2 more observations to show improvement.

Ugh-- I just keep trying to tell myself you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink saying. Now if I can get it into my heart life would be perfect.

Posted 2/28/06 10:17 PM

No more school= too much time!

Member since 5/05

1395 total posts


Re: Teachers- Need advice

There a saying that I have kept with me since the beginning of grad school

When the student is ready the teacher will appear.

I think it takes some "students"(people) many years to find the teacher and actually take their advice. At this point I do think it is a lost cause. Just look at it this way you are a great teacher not only to your students but your collegues also. Everyone can benfit from the advice of others (neg or pos). If she can not be professional enough to learn and improve then its her fault. You are a good person for trying to help!!

Just wanted to add that I too and wondering when our invite letters are comming out. i have had good observations so far but at this district you can not get a good vibe to tell.

Just remember you have done everything within and above your power, you did the right thing! But now let her stress about her own problems!

Posted 2/28/06 10:23 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Teachers- Need advice

Thank you so much for that advice and support

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Posted 2/28/06 10:26 PM

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