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Moms who switched from BM to formula...

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Chase is one!

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Moms who switched from BM to formula...

How did you go about doing it? I'm thinking I may have to stop giving Ava BM. Between her reflux and her dairy sensitivity, it's just so hard to keep ontop of. It's very depressing and upsetting for me to even be thinking about this, but I just feel like I keep blaming myself everytime she has a bellyache(which is often), and it is driving me insane.
Did you go cold turkey or one bottle a day or add one ounce formula to the BM, etc?

Posted 7/26/06 12:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

We supplemented Miranda with formula from day one but when I did a 2 week trial on Neocate to see if that improved anything (which it didn't) I just did it cold turkey and kept pumping in case it didn't solve our problems and I still wanted to give BM.

When I stopped pumping I just did the full formula cold turkey again.


Posted 7/26/06 12:46 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Thanks Jen. I am just so upset because I have to throw away over 300oz. of frozen BM because we just figured out a couple of weeks ago that she is sensitive to dairy, so everything in my freezer from before that, which is almost all of it, has dairy in it. And I am now noticing that she is REALLY sensitive to it, and I just don't know how realistic it is for me to be able to watch what I eat ALL the time. The guilt is killing me.Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/06 12:50 PM

My Everything

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Posted by prncssrachel

Thanks Jen. I am just so upset because I have to throw away over 300oz. of frozen BM because we just figured out a couple of weeks ago that she is sensitive to dairy, so everything in my freezer from before that, which is almost all of it, has dairy in it. And I am now noticing that she is REALLY sensitive to it, and I just don't know how realistic it is for me to be able to watch what I eat ALL the time. The guilt is killing me.Chat Icon

I understand the guilt believe me!!!
Try her on the formula only before you stop pumping and throwing it all away to make sure that is what it is. For us I thought that was it and was getting so frustrated trying to watch everything I ate (down to reading every ingredient label) but when we went on Neocate which is an amino acid based formula it didn't make a damn bit of difference.
So try it for 2 weeks and pump your milk and freeze it to make sure that's what it is.
If you decide you really want to keep BFing there is support out there for dairy free moms. Emilian and Dree did it for a year I think.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I know its a PITA and then you just add mother's guilt to that.

Posted 7/26/06 12:57 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Thanks, againChat Icon Trust me, I'm not running to dump all that milk yetChat Icon

Posted 7/26/06 12:58 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

i've been dairy-free for a while now because DS has really bad eczema and it seems like it's related to a dairy allergy. it's tough and beleive me ive thought about switching to formula, but i just feel too guilty to do it. i also have been trying to cut out soy, but i know i haven't been strict enough about the soy. it's really hard! let me know if i can be of any help!

Posted 7/26/06 1:15 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Rachel, I did the dairy free thing for 6 months. It was a challenge but I got used to it very quickly. I also do not eat meat, so I was very limitied but once you know what you can eat, it is not that hard.

I would not throw out the bm, I introduced dairy back into my diet when they were 8 months old and he was able to handle it again. So it might just be a thing for now, but maybe later you won't have to avoid it.

Good Luck in whatever you choose!

Posted 7/26/06 1:46 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I can't help but I just wanted to send you hugs and support for whatever you choose to do Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/06 2:01 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I switched Katie from BM to formula for the same reason.

I started by pumping and giving her BM in the bottle to get her used to the bottle. Then I switched from BM to formula and she had no problem switching.

Posted 7/26/06 2:46 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I am attempting to switch Noah from BM onto Formula and he is such a miserable sod that I just can't seem to get him to drink just the formula! BM tastes soooooooo much nicer!!! He is having half and half in his bottles, which tastes NASTY, but for some reason...won't drink the formula!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

This kids gonna be just like his momma, stubborn!!!

Posted 7/26/06 3:17 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Thanks everyone. I spoke to the Dr. today and I'm confused. He wants me to give her cow's milk-based formula even though it seems she has a dairy sensitivity. I am bringing in a hemoglobin test thingy next week, and he said that will tell him for sure if she has a dairy sensitivity and that we'll switch her then if need be. But he told me to just go cold turkey and give her the formula. I don't want to do that, I think I'm going to mix it. If she really does have this sensitivity to dairy, then that will be so awful for her little belly to have a whole bottle full!
I really am conflicted about this, but I am very unhappy pumping (she would not latch on at all). I am all consumed by it, and I am constantly feeling so unhappy because I am convinced all of her reflux and belly problems are my fault. It's totally adding to my PPD. I know I will have a really hard time switching her to formula because I feel like I am failing her, but ultimately, I'm doing no good by being so unhappy with pumping. This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make, and I don't even know why.Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/06 10:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I started by adding one ounce to 5 ounces of BM for a day or two, then two ounces/4 ounces, etc. Unitl I was all on formula. I had no problems with either one of my dd's.

Posted 7/26/06 10:52 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Rachel, dont be so hard on yourself if you stop giving her your milk. Chat Icon
Youre doing what will be best for her, and ultimately mommy will be happier without being so preoccupied with her not feeling well. Chat Icon
I totally agree that pumping/Bfing can be VERY consuming, physically, mentally, emotionally, you are NOT failing anyone ! ya hear ??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Stop thinknig that way, and really, please dont feel that you are failing or giving up or being any less of a mommy than anyone else.

Also, DONTTT throw out BM !!!!!!! Chat Icon thats liquid gold !!!
If it would make you feel better, Im pretty sure it can be donated. I remember hearing that hospitals or elder care places use it and its in high demand. I can google it for you if you really plan to get rid of it. please dont throw it out, thats some great medicine for many causes! Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/06 11:00 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I eased them into it. I added onces of formula to supplement & slowly stopped pumping. They would get 1/4 formula, 3/4 breast milke the first day. Second day was 1/2 formula, 1/2 breastmilk, etc.

Posted 7/26/06 11:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I started mixing it at first and then went all the way with the formula. My ped. told me that you don't have to ease them into it. You can start full formula right away.

Posted 7/27/06 12:27 AM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

Cold turkey and everything was fine!

Posted 7/27/06 12:41 AM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

THE POWER OF Breastmilk....
Funny story, since I said DONTTT Throw out your BM Chat Icon

When my sister had just had one of her kids, our neighbor asked her for a little breastmilk in a cup Chat Icon Chat Icon since her son seemed to have some eye infection. My sister PROUDLY and happily pumped a couple of ounces for her, and her baby's eye was "like new" in nooo time Chat Icon Chat Icon (she just dabbed the milk into it).

Again, Rachel, Like I said to you, please dont feel bad about stopping. I BFd my boys for about 2-3m each, and was more than happy to stop Chat Icon I found myself happier and more relaxed in general when I wasnt BF.

Every mommy takes to BF differently and just the whole experience of new-mommyhood. It's overwhelming for ALL of us, just at different levels.
BF (whats happening to my boobs? Theyre hard as a rock! Chat Icon ) The recovery from a C (ouch ouch), and just the whole new world of having this precious little baby to care for, and then all of this on SOOOOO little sleep..

Its a big adjustment for all of us, we're right here with you Chat Icon Chat Icon

Enjoy your baby girl in whatever way mommy is happiest Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 9:09 AM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: Moms who switched from BM to formula...

I had the same problem as you Bryan had terrible relflux and a bad milk protein allergy yet it was so hard for me to give up nursing. I cut out dairy and anything that contained milk protein for 3 months I lived on fruits and veggies and meat thats about it. I lost a ton of weight but thats besides the point. The decision came becasuse Bryan wasnt gaining much weight, I was freaking starving and stressed to the max every time he spit up I blamed my self cause I thought I let something milk slip in my diet. Thats when I decided to start giving him a bottle of alimentum each night. It was hard, I felt like a failure at first but slowly the stress of eating started to releive itself. I told my self that I gave it my best try I bfed for 6 months exclusively.

The weaning process only took a few weeks, I really think Bryan liked the formula better and he def wasnt spitting up as much. Every 2 days I would replace a feeding with the formula- I only got engorged once becasue I never had that great of a supply to begin with because of the reflux. I remeber the last time I nursed he spit it all up and I said thats it and never nursed again. I had to pump a few times to empty my breast for good and the process was done.

Its really hard to breast feed a baby with reflux and milk sensitiivitys I give anyone a lot of credit for even trying.Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 9:38 AM

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