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Does it bother you...

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talk to the hand

Member since 5/05

1436 total posts


Does it bother you...

when your parents tell you how to spend your money?

My mom does it ALL THE TIME and it drives me crazy... I know she means well... but shouldn't I be able to spend my money anyway I like without having to answer to her?

... approx. at what age will parents stop treating their children like children? (.. never) Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 4:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Does it bother you...

My parents NEVER did that...My inlaws actually did that when dh ans I got married and yes it bothers me.

Posted 2/22/06 4:50 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Does it bother you...

Yes. I hate when they do that. Or, when I buy something, my mom always says "how much was that?" It annoys me so much!Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 4:51 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Does it bother you...

Posted by pmpkn087

Yes. I hate when they do that. Or, when I buy something, my mom always says "how much was that?" It annoys me so much!Chat Icon

Hey do we have the same mom?

I'm 26 and I pay my own bills and hold a good paying job....just an FYI Mom! Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 4:53 PM

To a healthy 2013

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: Does it bother you...

oh my mom does that to me sometimes ughhh its like mom how old am i? and i am married you know stop treating me like a kid.

Posted 2/22/06 4:54 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Does it bother you...

Omg, my mom drives me crazy with this!!!

She'll make comments b/c we have the gold cable package (whoop-de-do), or cable internet...Oh, you must be rich!! Chat Icon

But, G-d forbid I make a comment on how she spends her $$$....

Posted 2/22/06 4:56 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does it bother you...

My mom does this and it's so annoying! When she visits, she stays with my sister or me and is always telling us "we should do this to the house and why don't you do this?"....UM, hello, I don't have your money and unless you are willing for fork some over, be quiet!

Posted 2/22/06 4:56 PM

My Boys!

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Re: Does it bother you...

My Mom will do it on occasion, but I know she means well and speaks from experience. Besides, she knows I'm horrible with money.

My MIL on the other hand, does it all the time. Most often, she is telling us to send money to one relative or another because they are "having a rough spot". Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 4:59 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Does it bother you...

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by pmpkn087

Yes. I hate when they do that. Or, when I buy something, my mom always says "how much was that?" It annoys me so much!Chat Icon

Hey do we have the same mom?

I'm 26 and I pay my own bills and hold a good paying job....just an FYI Mom! Chat Icon

Seriously. I'm 24 and have a good paying job. If I want to buy a Coach bag, I should be able to buy it without hearing "I would NEVER spend that much on a pocket book."

Chat Icon Well, you know what mom, I would and I did!

ETS: It's not like I'm spending thousands of dollars on a bag!

Gosh...don't get me started.

Message edited 2/22/2006 5:02:46 PM.

Posted 2/22/06 5:01 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Does it bother you...

A little bit but in the other way. When DH and I were looking for houses she didn't understand why we weren't looking at $1M homes! Chat Icon Uh, because we can't afford that! Chat Icon Chat Icon She has no concept of money at all!

Posted 2/22/06 5:16 PM

Chase is one!

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27530 total posts


Re: Does it bother you...

My parents don't really do that anymore. Although, when I told them I wasn't going to Disney this week, they did say, "Oh good, we thought it was a bad idea to take a vacation when you have a baby on the way. You need to save!"

Gee, thanks, as if I didn't know that already.Chat Icon But it's unusual they say something like that.

Posted 2/22/06 5:18 PM

22 Months?!!!!

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: Does it bother you...

my dad hits me with this all the time

i ignore Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 5:18 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Does it bother you...

no...they rarely do it but when they do they are right

Posted 2/22/06 6:06 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Does it bother you...

It drives my father crazy that we are not more aggressive with investing our savings. He hates the idea of a Roth IRA.

My mother hates it when I order chinese or get pizza. That is her ultimate waste of money.

Posted 2/22/06 6:09 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does it bother you...

YES! Everytime I make a large purchase ( i bought a desk a few weeks ago, and booked a trip too) my mom asks me - now you are not using the wedding $ right????? No mom!!!! I am not!

Posted 2/22/06 6:35 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: Does it bother you...

Posted by Redhead

no...they rarely do it but when they do they are right

i agree. my parents (and DHs too) are very good in this area, so when they do actually say something, i'll try to hear them out

Posted 2/22/06 8:37 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does it bother you...

My father always loves to put his 2 cents in...he told me once that he's going to be doing that until the day he dies so I better get used to it!Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 8:41 PM

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