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I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

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Member since 5/05

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I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

Emma has only ever taken naps in her swing. It started because I work from 2 days a week and it was/is easier for me to work and watch her when she is near me. Well now that she is reaching the weight limit of the swing, I have been trying to get her to nap in her crib - and she won't!
She'll sleep in her crib at night, but as soon as I put her in there during the day - she's wide awake and crying.

Any idea's how I can fix this?

Posted 5/19/06 3:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

I'm in the same boat as you. Jacob has only been napping in his swing b/c he naps longer in there. Like almost 2 hrs. In the crib i was getting like 40 min. So i will use it till he reaches the weight limit and then in the crib he will go... SCREAMING AND ALL. He will just have to cry himself to sleep.

Posted 5/19/06 4:12 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

I tried that today - She cried and cried.... This is so hard. Chat Icon

Posted 5/19/06 4:17 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

DO not worry in time she will. How old is she? I had the FUSSIEST worst sleeping baby in the world. He would only sleep in his swing or the travel swing. (i took it everywhere). His naps (unless in his swing would only last 30 minutes the most. I wanted to cry the day I saw him trying to sit up in his swing because I knew he was outgrowing it!

He is now 8 months old and sleeps in a playpen, crib or bed for naps.

Don't worry about habits right now just let her enjoy her naps as long as she likes that swing. She will outgrow it on her own. I swore he would never ever sleep anywhere else!

I even checked the online to see if there was any long term effects from being in the swing too long. Some days he spent all day in there.

Message edited 5/19/2006 5:03:04 PM.

Posted 5/19/06 5:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

Posted by aja

DO not worry in time she will. How old is she? I had the FUSSIEST worst sleeping baby in the world. He would only sleep in his swing or the travel swing. (i took it everywhere). His naps (unless in his swing would only last 30 minutes the most. I wanted to cry the day I saw him trying to sit up in his swing because I knew he was outgrowing it!

He is now 8 months old and sleeps in a playpen, crib or bed for naps.

Don't worry about habits right now just let her enjoy her naps as long as she likes that swing. She will outgrow it on her own. I swore he would never ever sleep anywhere else!

I even checked the online to see if there was any long term effects from being in the swing too long. Some days he spent all day in there.

Thank you so much!!! - I feel better knowing she will outgrow this. She's 5 1/2 months old - but she's almost 20 lbs.

Posted 5/19/06 5:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

You people are the BEST I just got home from the Ped who yelled at me for not having my DD sleeping in the crib he said the swing will hurt her spine so last night I tried the crib and she won't have it.. For naps she willl go but only for about an hour at night no wayy... HELP ME PLEASE she 4 1/2months old Im sick over this now

Message edited 5/19/2006 11:31:16 PM.

Posted 5/19/06 6:15 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

what's bad for her spine the crib?

Posted 5/19/06 7:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

I think she meant the

Posted 5/19/06 8:11 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

My son slept for naps only in his swing for a a few months (he was also 19lbs and change at 5 months - I think my swing was 25 lbs - which believe it or not he is just over that at 15 months - they slow down a lot as they get older). He eventually stopped on his own - maybe around 5.5/6 months. I eventually found new places that worked. He was and still isn't a good crib sleeper for naps. He sleeps much better in my bed (dangerous I know - I surrounded him with pillows and always stayed close when he was young), in his carriage, etc. I still very often have to sit and watch baby einstein or walk him in his stroller to get him to fall asleep for a nap.

Posted 5/19/06 9:12 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

My daughter was the same way and she now naps in her crib. I was petrified of this. But I stopped her cold turkey and started a whole new routine for her and it worked. I wouldn't say the first day but fairly quickly. My daughter would RARELY sleep in her pack and play- actually only for my Mom and twice for DH never for me. Don't worry

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Posted 5/19/06 9:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

The swing was bad for her spine he told me..

Posted 5/19/06 9:30 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

Posted by kimmie

The swing was bad for her spine he told me..

I never heard of that.

Posted 5/19/06 9:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: I started a bad habit and now I need help - Please!

Posted by JRG71

Posted by kimmie

The swing was bad for her spine he told me..

I never heard of that.

Good Im glad because I am all upset now and I am trying the crib thing but it's hard she's in there right now but We'll see for how long.. I have her kind of on her side and she's liking that a bit I thinkChat Icon

Posted 5/19/06 11:33 PM

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