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Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

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LIF Zygote

Member since 4/06

15 total posts


Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

Of all the lingo. Please!!!!! I do know some but im clueless on a lot.

Posted 4/21/06 11:18 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

This is a pretty good thread to catch you up.

If there is something not on here that you want to know, just let us know!!

Baby dust!! Chat Icon

Message edited 4/21/2006 11:31:16 AM.

Posted 4/21/06 11:30 AM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

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Posted 4/21/06 11:52 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

Also if you look next to where it says "my family" at the top of the page, there is a lingo section.

Posted 4/21/06 2:09 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

2WW = 2-Week Wait, tww
AF = Aunt Flo (menstruation)
AH, AZH = Assisted Hatching
AHI = At-home Insemination
AI = Artificial Insemination
AIH = Artificial Insemination from Husband
AO = Anovulation
AOA, AVA = Anti-ovarian Antibody
ART = Assisted Reproductive Technology
AWOL = A Woman On Lupron
BA = Baby Aspirin
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BCP = Birth Control Pills
BD = Baby Dance (sex)
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFP = Big Fat Positive!
BIL = Brother in law
C# = Cycle Number
CB = Cycle Buddy
CD = Cycle Day
CF = Cervical Fluid
CM = Cervical Mucus
CP = Cervical Position
CNM = Certified Nurse Midwife
DH = Darling (Dear) Husband
DP = Darling Partner
DD = Darling daughter
DS = Darling Son
D&C = Dilation & Curettage
D&E = Dilation & Evacuation
DPO = Days Post-Ovulation
DPC = Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken
DPR = Days Post-Retrieval
DPT = Days Post-Transfer
Dx = Diagnosis
E2 = Estradiol
EB, EMB = Endometrial Biopsy
EDD = Estimated Due Date
ENDO = Endometriosis
EPO = Evening Primrose Oil
EPT = Early Pregnancy Test
ET = Embryo Transfer
EW, EWCM = Eggwhite Cervical Mucus
FET = Frozen Embryo Transfer
FHR = Fetal Heart Rate
FIL = Father in law
FP = Follicular Phase
FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FTTA = Fertile Thoughts To All
FUR = False Unicorn Root
FV = Fertile Vibes
GIFT = Gamete Intra-fallopian Transfer
GnRH = Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
GP = General Practitioner
hCG, HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
hMG, HMG = Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy
HSC = Hysteroscopy
HSG = Hysterosalpingogram
ICI = Intra-cervical Insemination
ICSI = Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IF = Infertility
ITI = Intra-tubal Insemination
IUI = Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF = In Vitro Fertilization
LAP = Laparoscopy
LH = Luteinizing Hormone
LMP = Last Menstrual Period (start date)
LMAO = Laughing My *** Off
LO = Love Olympics (sex)
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
LP = Luteal Phase
LPD = Luteal Phase Defect
LSP = Low Sperm Count
LUF, LUFS = Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome
MC, m/c, misc. = Miscarriage
MF = Male Factor
MIFT = Micro Injection Fallopian Transfer
MIL = Mother in law
O, OV = Ovulation
OB = Obstetrician
OB/GYN = Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OC = Oral Contraceptives
OD = Ovulatory Dysfunction
OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit
OPT = Ovulation Predictor Test
OTC = Over The Counter
PCO = Polycystic Ovaries
PCOD = Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS = Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCP = Primary Care Physician
PCT = Post Coital Test
PG = Pregnant
PID = Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMS = Pre-menstrual Syndrome
RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist
R-FSH, R-hFSH = Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone
RI = Reproductive Immunologist
Rx = Prescription
SA = Semen Analysis
SHG, SonoHSG = Sonohysterogram
SIL = Sister in law
STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease
TR = Tubal Reversal
TTC = Trying to Conceive
Tx = Treatment
UR = Urologist
US, u/s = Ultrasound
UTI = Urinary Tract Infection
V = Vasectomy
VR = Vasectomy Reversal
WNL = Within Normal Limits
ZIFT = Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer

Posted 4/21/06 2:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

699 total posts


Re: Since im new to TTC i need to know the meaning...

Thats a wonderful list. Thanx for postingChat Icon

Posted 4/21/06 7:24 PM

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