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any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

So I'm trying to figure out if there's any direct correlation between working out/being very active and delivering early. I know that I've ready you tend to have an easier delivery if you're in better shape, but I'm wondering about the timing. I just went back to work this week as a dance teacher and everyone is saying that I will most likely deliver early. I'm praying that I do, as I'm sure most pregnant ladies have.
Just wondering what your experience was.

Posted 9/20/06 10:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?


I worked out religiously before I got pregnant - 5 days a week, at least 1 hour, intense activity. While I was pregnant, every night I walked 2-3 miles. I delivered the day after my due date, and I was in labor for about 20 hours until they finally gave me a c-section

Posted 9/20/06 11:07 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

Honestly I don't think there is. Unless you regularly work out your Kegel muscles while you work out.

I am the laziest person on the planet, went 6 weeks early & had one of hte easiest deliveries of anyone I know.

I think your recovery time is quicker if you're in better shape if you have a v-birth. I don't have experience with them but I've heard if you have a c-section, it's a toss up with the muscles because they have to cut them.

Posted 9/20/06 11:07 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I don't think there is either. I know people that worked out constantly and they delivered late!

Posted 9/20/06 11:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I dont thing so either. I do believe however that if you are in great shape preprego then you can bounce back much quicker.

Posted 9/20/06 11:18 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

Posted by dawnie

I don't think there is either. I know people that worked out constantly and they delivered late!

Damn, you're all ruining my hopes here. Chat Icon I know it doesn't sound nice, but I'm kind of over being pregnant. I've had a very easy pregnancy, but I'm ready to claim my body back- especially now that I'm back dancing.

Posted 9/20/06 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

Posted by Bxgell2


I worked out religiously before I got pregnant - 5 days a week, at least 1 hour, intense activity. While I was pregnant, every night I walked 2-3 miles. I delivered the day after my due date, and I was in labor for about 20 hours until they finally gave me a c-section

Here too - I worked out (jog and walk) until month 9 and I was late late late! and I had a bad labor experience :( sorry

Posted 9/20/06 11:23 AM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

YES! I am living proof of that! It isn't working out though but just beign overly active, like walking a lot. I don't think going at a moderate speed on a stationary bike will change anything but it is a well known fact that walking brings on labor. I wish I though of that...

I didn't work out at all durign pregnancy. However, i was always a walker. I work in Manhattan and for 2 weeks leading to my son's birth i was walking all over. I rememeber we had a birthday dinner for my friend at Blue Water Grill and I walked there all the way from Rock center were i work. Almost every day i would walk for 10 or more blocks. I was also doign it because I gained 44 lbs during pregnancy and my Dr was worried and told me to walk a lot. Well, I did. My son was born 3 weeks yearly... So, if you want to got to labor, walk, walk, walk...Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/06 11:31 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I WILL say this, however, I had one of the easiest recoveries known for a c-section and I'm convinced a large part of that is because I was in excellent shape when I got pregnant (did a lot of pilates) and exercised throughout. I was up and walking no problem within a couple of days, able to walk up and down the stairs within about 5 days and went completely off the medication/painkillers by the time I went home, which was 4 days postpartum. In fact, I remember taking a stroll outside with Alex just one week after she was born, and having no discomfort. And, I went back down to my prepreggo size fairly quickly, with minimal effort, due in large part because of breastfeeding, but again, also because I think I was in good shape to begin with...

Message edited 9/20/2006 11:39:53 AM.

Posted 9/20/06 11:38 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

My cousin is a delivery nurse and she says that watching weight, getting exercise and eating healthfully COULD make you push better and heal better... she didn't promise it WOULD though.

Posted 9/20/06 11:45 AM

Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

Posted by Bxgell2
And, I went back down to my prepreggo size fairly quickly, with minimal effort, due in large part because of breastfeeding, but again, also because I think I was in good shape to begin with...

i so agree with this! I am convinced that I was able to enjoy a very good, easy labor and shed all prego pounds ( and then someChat Icon) within 6 months because I was in good shape before I got pregnant. And of course breastfeeding helped big timeChat Icon So, whether a not you go early, staying in shape is definintely beneficial.

I also am convinced that I had a great labor because I refused pitocin that they repeatedly tried to pump me with, but that's a whole other storyChat Icon

Posted 9/20/06 11:48 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I 've worked out for years and right up to a week before I was due. I was in labor for 24 hours but I was back at the gym 3 weeks later, so I think it helped with recovery.

Posted 9/20/06 12:33 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I doubt it. I'm in good shape, and I walked all over the place while pregnant. It didn't help me! I was 8 days late.

Posted 9/20/06 1:17 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I also have to add in that I am overweight, am not in good shape -- had a c-section and was walking around the hospital the next day. I took a painkiller once in the hospital and took motrin after that a few times but not often. By the time I got home (4 days) was only taking motrin randomly, and was doing the stairs and stuff all day since the nursery was upstairs but the kitchen, bathroom etc. was all downstairs.

I think each person is an individual and it really depends on their body. While I certainly agree with everyone that staying active is a wonderful thing is certainly better then being inactive, I think it could go both ways for any person.

Posted 9/20/06 2:01 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I don't believe so at least not in my case... I am in fairly good shape, am back to pre pregnancy weight, eat well, take vitamins faithfully, drink lots of water, walk and do yoga when energy and time allow and DD arrived 9 days after estimated due date. I had an all natural "drug free" delivery Chat Icon

Posted 9/20/06 4:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: any corelatiion between working out and delivery time?

I worked out my whole life and delivered 11 days corelation whatsoever.

Posted 9/20/06 6:06 PM

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