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My dr made it official today

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My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

2628 total posts


My dr made it official today

Hi Ladies... I'm new here and have been reading many of your helpful posts while trying to figure all of this out....

I have PCOS and have been going for some tests. Today my dr told me that I since I am finished with Provera, I should go on Clomid within a few days. He gave me some paperwork he called "the infertility flow sheet." I feel like it's official.... I DO have infertility issues.

Any advice for a newbie?
Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 4/19/06 9:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: My dr made it official today

tons of advice, but you'll get it all in time.

Dont get overwhelmed by everything and dont get carried away. Take things one at a time.

Hopefully you wont be here long.

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Posted 4/19/06 10:25 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

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Re: My dr made it official today

I hope the clomid brings you a bfp !!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 12:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1686 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today


I also have PCOS and i've been on this medication called Metaformin, which helps with pcos. I believe that most people with pcos are put on metaformin (which helps you to ovulated) and if no ovulation occurs the re will then prescribe clomid. Just curious as to why they are starting you on clomid before starting the met. Maybe you should mention this to your RE.

Sending you lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 8:20 AM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today

I am fairly new to all this infertility info too ....but, I wanted to welcome you! Chat Icon I am certainly getting great info from all the girls here!

Baby Dust!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 11:59 AM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

2628 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today

thanks for the kind words. I was going to go on metformin, but my new dr did some more tests and found that i am not insulin resistent... so onto clomid. Now, I'm just anxiously awaiting af so I can get the ball rolling.

Thanks again ladies Chat Icon

Posted 4/22/06 6:24 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: My dr made it official today

I'm a fellow PCOS-er. Except I'm on the metformin too for my insulin issues.

Just wishing you luck with the Clomid and your TTC journey.

As Pauline said - just take it one step at a time.

Side note - is your avatar/profile picture from the Sherton Waikiki??

Posted 4/22/06 8:41 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

2628 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today

thanks for the encouragement!

and yes... the Sheraton Waikiki! How did you know?

Posted 4/23/06 8:58 AM

I am Batman!

Member since 5/05

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I'm Batman, I tell you!

Re: My dr made it official today

I thought I read that Metformin has been found to help with ovulation even if you don't have insulin issues...can anybody confirm or refute this?

Posted 4/24/06 7:33 AM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today

Posted by july0105

thanks for the encouragement!

and yes... the Sheraton Waikiki! How did you know?

I have almost the exact same picture of DH and I on our honeymoon. The lagoon and the hotel to the right tipped me off! Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/06 8:47 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today

Posted by kra5hnburn

I thought I read that Metformin has been found to help with ovulation even if you don't have insulin issues...can anybody confirm or refute this?

Metformin, helps lower blood sugar levels, insulin levels and male hormone levels testosterone and dheas.

Make certain that the doctor who diagnoses you with pcos, has run blood tests to confirm the cause of the pcos.

Many doctors diagnose women with pcos without doing any blood work or u/s. There are other causes of annovulatory cycles, like, thyroid issues, elevated prolactin...etc.

Posted 4/24/06 9:08 AM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

2628 total posts


Re: My dr made it official today


Metformin, helps lower blood sugar levels, insulin levels and male hormone levels testosterone and dheas.

Make certain that the doctor who diagnoses you with pcos, has run blood tests to confirm the cause of the pcos.

Many doctors diagnose women with pcos without doing any blood work or u/s. There are other causes of annovulatory cycles, like, thyroid issues, elevated prolactin...etc.

My old doctor was ready to put me on metformin without many tests. I was happy to hear that my new doctor wanted to try to figure out the cause of my PCOS before medication. He said the cause is still uncertain for many women, but we can rule certain things out.

I guess this whole thing has taught me to aks questions about everything... even the exact bloodwork the doctors are running.

Posted 4/24/06 9:30 PM

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